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<br />State of California - The Resources Agency Primary # <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# <br />BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD <br /> <br />Page ~ of -A.. *CHR Status Code 202 <br />*Resource Name or #: Webster House <br /> <br />B1. Historic Name: Webster House <br />B2. Common Name: Same <br />B3. Original Use: Single-family Residence B4. Present Use: Single-family Residence <br />*85. Architectural Style: Tudor-Revival <br />*86. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations): Constructed 1931 <br /> <br />June 19, 1931. Residence and garage. <br />April 7, 1933. Rebuild brick chimney. <br /> <br />*87. Moved? -No eVes eUnknown Date: <br />*88. Related Features: <br /> <br />Original Location: <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />B9a. Architect: Unknown <br /> <br />b. Builder: Unknown <br /> <br />*810. Significance: Theme Residential Architecture Area Santa Ana <br />Period of Significance: circa 1888-1953 Property Type: Single-family Residence Applicable Criteria: NR: C; CR: 3 <br />(Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity) <br /> <br />The Webster House is architecturally significant as an intact and representative example of the Tudor Revival style. According to <br />the original building permit, dated June 19, 1931, the residence and garage were constructed at a cost of $6,000. The owner listed <br />on the permit was EC. Rogers, a building contractor. When the house first appears in the city directory in 1932, Elmer E Webster <br />and his wife Mabel were listed as the residents. No occupation was listed for Mr. Webster. The Websters remained in the house <br />until 1937, when Benjamin T. Woodward, a veterinarian surgeon, and his wife Helen, became the occupants. Subsequent city <br />directories also list Mr. Woodward's occupation as food consultant. According to documentation provided by the current (2006) <br />owner, Mr. Woodward died in 1953 and Mrs. Woodward remained in the house until her death in 1986. The estate was sold to <br />Richard and Beverly Martel in 1987, and has since switched hands several times. <br /> <br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 4.) <br /> <br />B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) <br /> <br />*812. References: <br />City of Santa Ana Building Permits <br />Santa Ana History Room Collection, Santa Ana Public Library <br />Sanborn Maps <br /> <br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 4.) <br /> <br />Sketch Map <br />\::;.I <br /> <br /> <br />B13. Remarks: <br /> <br />*814. Evaluator: Leslie J. Heumann <br />*Date of Evaluation: July 27, 2006 <br /> <br />2315 N. Riverside Dr. <br />002-131-30 <br /> <br /> <br />f <br />"C <br /> <br />@ <br /> <br />(This space reserved for official comments.) <br /> <br />DPR 5238 (1/95) <br /> <br />251)>17 <br /> <br /> <br />. @ <br /> @ :: ~-::@:'-4 <br /> :-@ ; <br /> ~ <br /> @ 0 . <br /> ~ .. <br /> @ ~ @ <br /> @ @. <br /> " <br /> @ u@ I <br /> l! <br />I ~~ "C <br />@ .... <br /> @f <br /> '" . <br /> ;1: <br /> @ @ <br /> -':.~ <br />"Required information <br /> <br />