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interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation of said portions of the streets <br />and received and considered all evidence submitted. <br />I. This Council finds from all the evidence submitted that said portions of the <br />streets are unnecessary for present or prospective public use, based upon the <br />following findings of fact: <br />a. Said portions of said streets are not necessary to provide access to abutting <br />property owners; and <br />b. Said portions of said streets are unnecessary for present or prospective <br />public use. <br />J. Pursuant to the provisions of section 892 of the Streets and Highway Code of <br />the State of California, the City Council does hereby find and determine that <br />neither said portions of the streets nor any part thereof are useful as nonmotorized <br />transportation facilities, as defined in section 887 of said Code. <br />Section 2. This Council does hereby order that those portions of College <br />Avenue between Washington Avenue and 17th Street, and portions of 15th Street and <br />Martha Lane, as shown on the maps labeled Exhibits 1 and 2, attached hereto and made <br />a part hereof by this reference, be, and the same are, hereby vacated. <br />Section 3. Pursuant to section 8340 of the California Streets and <br />Highways Code, the City Council reserves and excepts from the above vacation an <br />easement and right at any time, or from time to time, to construct, maintain, operate, <br />replace, remove, and renew sanitary sewers and storm drains and appurtenant <br />structures, and, pursuant to any existing franchise or renewals thereof, or otherwise, to <br />construct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, renew and enlarge lines of pipe, conduits, <br />cables, wires, poles, and other convenient structures, equipment, and fixtures for the <br />operation of gas pipelines, telegraphic and telephone line, railroad lines, and for the <br />transportation or distribution of electric energy, petroleum and its products, ammonia, and <br />water, and for incidental purposes, including access to protect these works from all <br />hazards in, upon, and over the area of portions of College Avenue between Washington <br />Avenue and 17th Street, and portions of 15th Street and Martha Lane hereby vacated. <br />The City Council also reserves and excepts from the above vacation easements for the <br />City's storm drain facilities and the Orange County Sanitation District sewer trunk facilities. <br />Moreover, if there are any traffic signal equipment and/or in-place public utility facilities <br />that are in use, the City Council reserves and excepts from the above vacation an <br />easement and right necessary to maintain, operate, replace, remove or renew the traffic <br />signal equipment and public utility facilities. <br />Section 4. The abandonment is adequately addressed in the Environmental <br />Impact Report prepared by the Rancho Santiago Community College District. No <br />further CEQA analysis is required. <br />Section 5. The Clerk of the Council is hereby directed to cause a certified copy <br />hereof, attested by her under seal, to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Orange <br />75A-7 <br />