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REQUEST FOR <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: <br />NOVEMBER 20, 2006 <br />TITLE: <br />AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE PLOT/SITE <br />PLANS <br />^. <br />S ''~ <br />CITY MANAGER <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL USE ONLY: <br />APPROVED <br />^ As Recommended <br />^ As Amended <br />^ Ordinance on 1S` Reading <br />^ Ordinance on 2"d Reading <br />^ Implementing Resolution <br />^ Set Public Hearing For_ <br />CONTINUED TO <br />FILE NUMBER <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />Direct the City Attorney to prepare <br />the Clerk of the Council to execute <br />Inc. to provide updated plot/site <br />$620,000. <br />and authorize the City Manager and <br />an agreement with Mapping Solutions <br />plans, in an amount not to exceed <br />DISCUSSION <br />On August 16, 2004, the City Council accepted a $15 million Urban Area <br />Security Initiative (UASI) grant from the federal Department of Homeland <br />Security, through the State of California, Office of Homeland Security. <br />The initiative was designed to enhance the domestic preparedness of urban <br />areas by ensuring that all emergency first responders have adequate <br />equipment and systems to prevent, respond to, and recover from acts of <br />terrorism. The grant provides total reimbursement to local agencies for <br />equipment purchases approved and authorized by the federal Office of <br />Domestic Preparedness (ODP). <br />The Fire Department recommends entering an agreement with Mapping <br />Solutions Inc. to provide plot/site plans to update our currently <br />incomplete and outdated plans. In the event of a major incident the first <br />priority is the safety of our "first responders." Detailed site/plot <br />plans aid assessing potential site threats and determine appropriate <br />mitigation strategy. Mapping Solutions, Inc. is a proven company with <br />the capacity, expertise, and ability to produce the quality and detailed <br />plot/site plans needed. <br />25B-1 <br />