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-1 <br />.RUG -21-2004 18:05 From:MILLER RGENCY 9512798087 To:7148360902 <br />EXHIRIT 6 <br />,A`E f1IC%NAI. SIiRES) E*ii7(� RSEMLiV'T <br />FOR <br />CtJM SRC A3. GENEkg1 =1y�1� 19 Y 1'f7t,i(`Y <br />Insurance Company_—FAr2i4ER5iNSUR_ <br />This endorsement tnod;fes such insurance as is afforded' by the provisions of Policy <br /># yt 309-88-40 relating to the foilowing: <br />V The City of Santa Attu, 20 Civic Center ?laza, Santa Ane, California 92701: its <br />officers, employees, agents, volunteers and representatives are named ac additional insureds <br />(''additional insut ods"1 [n id. Et,,,atd to liability and defense of suits arising from the operations <br />and uses pei flamed by or on behalf of the named itisured. <br />7 With respect to claims arising out of int operations and uses performed by or on <br />behalf of the named insured, such insurance as is afforded by this policy is primary and is not <br />additional to or contributing with any other insurance carried by or for the benefit of tlrc <br />additional t;;surcds. <br />3 This insurance applies separately to each insured against whom claim is made or <br />suit is brought except with respcet to the company's iirnits of liability. The inclusion of any <br />persue or organization ns an insured shall not offuoi tiny right which such person or organization <br />wo:asl havr as •r, claimant if not so included. <br />4 With respect to the additionat insureds, this insurance shall not be cancelled, or <br />materially reduced in coverage or limits except after thirty (30) days written notice has berm <br />giver, to tilt Cit} of Santa Ana, 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California 92701. <br />(Cbtnpletion of the following, including countersignature, is required to make thin endorsement <br />cffectiv„) <br />Effective. 4-2-2007 this endorsement form as a part of <br />Issuedto KATHERtIjF nnucRc nRp_ rnMMuH,� fORT GRAUP <br />Named Insured <br />(-ountersigucd by�— <br />Author:zcd Repres�rta;ive <br />P.1/1 <br />