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6. RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS <br />Following are the observations made by Mr. Whitfield and results of the <br />tests conducted. <br />6.1 HEADEND <br />Time Warner has completed their final Headend migration into the La <br />Mirada facility. The Headend is located at 14899 Artesia Blvd in La Mirada <br />Ca, 90638. The Headend that was previously located at the Santa Ana <br />College has been decommissioned and Time Warner is now operating out <br />of a new fiber optic distribution Node that was newly constructed in May <br />2005. The Node is part of a new system clustering technology that is <br />being deployed throughout the cable industry today. This clustering <br />technology takes advantage of fiber optic distribution of broadband <br />content to multiple cities but originates from one Headend. The Santa Ana <br />distribution Node is located on 1115 E. Second St. (Cross Street is Santa <br />Fe between 2nd and 3rd St.) This Node delivers dedicated Santa Ana <br />programming video to their customers. <br />The Headend Node design layout was detailed and well documented. It <br />was a bit disorganized due to new digital equipment being installed. The <br />outside door to the Headend was propped open allowing the equipment <br />being subjected to the outside temperature. The temperature was around <br />90 degrees at the time. It is CSG's recommendation that Time Warner <br />Cable continue to maintain an orderly and clean headend facility. <br />Ensuring a controlled temperature environment is critical based on the <br />merging of multiple cities operating from the single La Mirada facility. <br />Accessibility was also easily obtained. The property and outside structure <br />were well maintained, and adequate security measures had been taken to <br />restrict entry to this area. Time Warner's Visual channel observation at the <br />Node and subjective visual examinations on all channels at the Node were <br />improved from previous years. More channels were added to the Santa <br />Ana channel lineup. A new channel lineup card is included. The in -field <br />video quality is equal to the observations made at the Node. The test <br />equipment present at the Headend seemed adequate to provide valid test <br />data requested. The Headend combiner output signal levels maintained a <br />flat frequency spectrum that represented a well -tuned RF output. Time <br />Warner has provided two new fiber links to address video quality issues <br />previously noted in earlier tests. The Santa Ana City Hall now has a <br />dedicated fiber feed as well as the Santa Ana College channel. Both of the <br />fiber feeds originate from the Second Street Node greatly improving the <br />video quality and have satisfied the concerns of the city. The observed <br />picture quality was very good with no exceptions. <br />Communications Support Group, VP RPT2007.001 Page 7 <br />