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<br />pregnancy. violence and risky behavior. This program has successfully equipped youth with <br />skills that help them make positive life choices, <br /> <br />This adapted program will also incorporate elements of another program entitled the "Gift of <br />Giving" which focuses on service to others. The development of such an attitude belongs in this <br />element and in fact, this activity not only supports two of the Success Bound' program's elements <br />(leadership & guidance/counseling) but it also reinforces the whole concept of "customer <br />service" This is a key element of career development and ROP courses that participants will be <br />taking. It is well know that most teens and young adults lose their employment over non-skill <br />related issues (the "sofl skills") such as work place attitudes, attendance, customer relations, etc. <br /> <br />The adapted "Smart Choices" program has been designed to be offered in small groups and for a <br />varying length of time to accommodate the career pathway orientation of the program and <br />student availability. It is anticipated that each Success Bound! participant will be involved in this <br />activity for a minimum of ten to twelve sessions. In addition, it is anticipated that one or more <br />may be provided in conjunction with the Career Beginnings of Orange County's Mentor Night <br />program that is described later in this proposal. <br /> <br />ELEMENT #7: Provision of a support plan that affords participants with appropriate <br />supportive services when needed to facilitate their successful completion of <br />the program. <br /> <br />A key component of the Success Bound! program will be the degree of support provided to each <br />participant. Transportation to ROP training classes and work sites will probably be the most <br />common example of support services. However, via the ROP's Community Advisory <br />Committee and the ASSIstance League of Santa Ana, participants will have access to appropriate <br />work site clothing when needed. The resources of the District's Teen Parent program will be <br />brought to bear should a participant have to address such issues as childcare, parenting, etc. <br /> <br />The collaborator for the program, Career Beginnings of Orange County will also assist in <br />provision of services regarding this program standard. The adult mentors from the CBOC <br />program have historically not only assisted their mentees with such expected items as career and <br />academic counseling. recreational activities, etc., but they have help with such things as <br />providing appropriate clothing for interviews, transportation, accompanying their men tee on job <br />or college interviews, etc. While not directly a support service, the focus of this program is to <br />actively engage the students to participate in community service. Program activities focus on <br />several important social and community related concepts and it is felt that this element of the <br />program will be of value to the participants from not only a supportive service point of view but <br />from one of leadership. <br /> <br />ELEMENT #8: An effective adult mentoring program designed to complement and ensure <br />attainment of the program's goals for graduation, enrollment in higher <br />education and acquisition of basic career skills. <br /> <br />One of the major elements of the Success Bound! program is the adult mentoring program <br />provided by Career Beginnings of Orange County (CBOC). This activity is modeled after a <br />program that originally began over fifteen years ago with a grant at Santa Ana College. For the <br />past eleven years, a non-profit Board of Directors has operated CBOC in cooperation with the <br />Secondary Enrichment Programs at tbe ROP in the Santa Ana Unified School District. As a <br />significant component of the Success Bound! program, the Career Beginnings adult mentor <br />program will be a required activity for each participant during his or her senior year. It is <br />planned that each adult mentor will have no more than two mentees. The adult mentor program <br /> <br />18 <br />