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<br />reviewed alrcady this year by W/O/R/K Center staff. There wi]] be no changes until a new audit <br />report is available next fall: at that time. the report will be ready for review by City staff. <br /> <br />Many of the services that will be available to Success Bound! participants will be leveraged (or <br />matched) by other ongoing categorical programs such as Cal-WORKS, Carl Perkins Vocational <br />Education Act, the UROG Choosing Success Grant and ROP, These programs operate at the <br />ROP Ritchey Center and each high school's College/Career Center. These services are either <br />college or career oriented; other categorical programs within the District focus on the academic <br />needs of participants. These include Title I which funds most of the after and before school <br />tutorial programs at the high school level and EDY/SB90 (a state funded program for at-risk <br />youth) that funds bilingual instructional assistants for those ELL (English Language Learners) <br />identified participants. One of the tasks of the program staff will be to ensure that participants <br />have full access to and use of these services. Of course, for any Success Bound! participant who <br />is identified as a special needs student, the complete services of the District's Special Education <br />Department will be leveraged for not only the identified student, but also his/her family. <br /> <br />25 <br />