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Table 2.1 - Cameras <br />Camera <br />Site <br />Camera <br />Location <br />Mounting (1) <br />Assets to <br />Motion Sensor <br />Number <br />Type <br />1 <br />Monitor <br />Inputs <br />CCTV -1 <br />West <br />Pan Tilt <br />Near S -W <br />Mount on new <br />. Main <br />Input 1 = MD -3 <br />Reservoir <br />Zoom <br />Corner <br />free standing <br />Entrance <br />(Reservoir <br />pole <br />. Reservoir <br />Ladder) <br />Ladder <br />Input 2 = MO -4 <br />• Reservoir <br />(Booster <br />• Booster <br />Pumps from <br />Pumps <br />South) <br />• MCC <br />Input 3 = MD -5 <br />MCC <br />CCTV -2 <br />West <br />Pan Tilt <br />Near WE <br />Mount on new <br />. Chemical <br />Input 1 = MD -1 <br />Reservoir <br />Zoom <br />Corner <br />pole <br />Building <br />(Main <br />supported <br />• Reservoir <br />Entrance) <br />from <br />• East Fence <br />Input 2 = MD -2 <br />Chemical <br />perimeter <br />(Booster <br />Building <br />and inner <br />Pumps from <br />area <br />North) <br />• (2) Back <br />Input 3 = MD -6 <br />Gates <br />(Chemical <br />Building <br />Entrance <br />CCTV -3 <br />West - <br />Manual <br />Approx. <br />Mount on new <br />. Well 20 <br />Input 1 = MD -7 <br />Reservoir <br />Zoom <br />Bo' West <br />free standing <br />• Back Gate <br />(Back Gate <br />of S -E <br />pole <br />and Well 20) <br />corner <br />CCTV- <br />Well 30 <br />Manual <br />Near S -W <br />Mount on new <br />. Main <br />Input 1 = MD- <br />10 <br />Zoom <br />Corner <br />free standing <br />Entrance <br />10 (Well 30 <br />pole <br />. Well 30 <br />from South) <br />and MD -11 <br />Note: CCTV- <br />(Main Gate <br />10 and MD- <br />and Well 30 <br />10 mount on <br />from North) <br />same pole <br />CCTV- <br />Well 21 <br />Manual <br />Near S -W <br />Mount on new <br />• Main <br />Input 1 = MD- <br />20 <br />Zoom <br />Corner <br />free standing <br />Entrance <br />20 (Main Gate <br />pole <br />• Well 21 <br />and Well 21 <br />from East <br />Notes: <br />(1) All new poles shall be installed a minimum of 5 feet away from all perimeter fence lines and <br />cameras shall be mounted at a minimum height of 15 feet, or higher, to allow clear <br />monitoring of the assets listed. <br />2.2 MOTION DETECTORS <br />A. Outdoor motion detectors shall use dual technologies, passive infrared and <br />microwave sensors and shall also be configured so that both technologies are able to <br />detect an intruder before an alarm is generated. <br />B. Microwave Sensor: The microwave sensor shall use the "Doppler" principle of <br />transmitting a field of microwave energy into surveillance area so that an intruder's <br />motion disturbs the field, causing the reflected signal to change. The microwave sensor <br />portion shall contain two receiving channels and use the "Stereo Doppler" technique, <br />whereby the two received signals shall be compared to determine whether motion is <br />moving toward or away from the sensor. An intruder moving a short distance <br />City of Santa Ana Security Management System Specific Requirements <br />Security Management System Project Page 171004 <br />SantaAna SMS 17100 <br />