Laserfiche WebLink
Users must have the capability for viewing and control of cameras by any of the <br />following: (1) a PC based browser, (2) a PC based client program, (3) the Relay <br />Server software or other software programs running with the Relay Server, (4) <br />third party software communicating with the Relay Server. <br />2. Local and Remote Viewing and Management: The system shall provide for <br />- viewing and control of cameras and setting of all system parameters using a <br />browser over the network from a LAN or WAN connected PC, or through the <br />Internet. The system shall allow the Relay Server to be physically located <br />anywhere so long as it is IP addressable through the LAN, WAN, or via the <br />Internet. <br />3. Communications Flexibility: The system shall support Cameras and Relay <br />Servers, which have I addresses and are connected to the Network via copper <br />cable, fiber optic cable, wireless communication, satellite link, or any other means <br />so long as the protocol used is TCP /IP and data rate is between 1.2 Kilobits per <br />second (Kb /sec) and 100 Megabits per second (Mb /sec). <br />4. Integration with Third Party Programs: The system must include a fully <br />documented Application Programmer Interface that shall indicate how commands <br />can be sent to the Relay Server to control the camera including directing pan tilt <br />zoom cameras to preset positions and directing cameras to absolute positions (by <br />horizontal and vertical coordinates). The system must include an Active -X control <br />providing viewing and control functions to facilitate integration with third party <br />programs. <br />5. Support Multiple Vendor Products: The system must support video and basic <br />camera controls for cameras manufactured by at least two different vendors, <br />including the ability to control pan tilt and zoom functions for such cameras <br />provided by those vendors. <br />6. Panoramas: The Relay Server shall provide the ability to create up to three, 360 <br />degree Panoramic Views per camera. It shall enable control of a Camera by a <br />mouse click on any of the panoramas to move the camera accurately to the <br />selected position. It shall provide for one click update of panoramas. <br />7. Point and Click Navigation: The system shall provide the ability to click on any <br />spot on the video and /or on any of three, still panoramas to center the camera <br />with high accuracy and with no slippage over time or use cycles with an accuracy <br />of under .5 degree pan or tilt. <br />8. Pre -Set Camera Views: The system shall provide the ability to generate up to 10 <br />user - defined preset views for each pan tilt zoom Camera. The camera must be <br />able to return to the preset views repeatedly with accuracy of .5 degree pan and <br />tilt with no slippage over time or use cycles. The preset views shall be accessible <br />and controllable via third party devices or programs through communication to the <br />Relay Server in accordance with a published API or through the Active -X control. <br />9. Touring: The system shall provide the ability to program "tours' for each <br />Camera, directing it to move to a series of preset positions at designated speed, <br />time sequence, and duration, and being able to take time stamped "snapshots" or <br />storing video clips automatically at each preset view position. <br />10. Snapshots: The system shall provide ability to capture, name, store and retrieve <br />time stamped snapshots, and to copy, print, or e-mail them. <br />11. Storage and Retrieval: The system shall provide for two modes of video storage <br />for each of the Cameras: time -based in which video is continually stored, and <br />event -based in which pre- and post -alarm video of a configurable length can be <br />captured upon alarm or other events. Each camera's stored video configuration <br />City of Santa Ana Security Management System Specific Requirements <br />Security Management System Project Page 17100 -15 <br />SantaAna_SMS_17100 <br />