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BUSINESS CALENDAR <br /> <br />55.B. <br /> <br />Motion: <br /> <br />PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION AMENDMENTS <br /> <br />Adopt resolution. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION 98-080 - A resolution of the City Council of the City of Santa Ana <br />to amend Resolution Nos. 82-110 and 96-095 to effect certain changes to the City's <br />Basic Classification and Compensation Plans, and to amend the current annual <br />budget to reallocate certain positions - Personnel Services <br /> FILE CA <br /> <br />MOTION: Richardson <br /> <br />SECOND: Lutz <br /> <br />VOTE: <br /> <br />AYES: Espinoza, Franklin, Lutz, McGuigan, Pulido, Richardson <br />NOES: Moreno <br /> <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />75.A. <br /> <br />ABANDONMENTS 98-2 THROUGH 98-5 - CUP 98-07 - GLOBAL METAL <br />RECYCLING SITE - 1011 E. PINE ST. <br /> <br />Public hearing regarding Conditional Use Permit 98-07 to allow construction and operation of a <br />recycling facility and Street Abandonments 98-02 through 98-05 relating to streets and alleys <br />near 1011 E. Pine Street <br /> <br />Recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on September 28, 1998 by a 6/0 vote <br />with Doughty absent <br /> <br />Legal Notice published in the Orange County Register on November 6 and 13, 1998 and mailed <br />on November 5, 1998 <br /> <br />The Mayor opened the public hearing regarding abandonments of streets and alleys near 1011 E. <br />Pine Street at 8:35 p.m. <br /> <br />Presentation of staff report by Planning and Building Agency Executive Director Robyn <br />Uptegraff <br /> <br />Presentation of written communications by Clerk of the Council Janice C. Guy: None <br /> <br />Speakers: <br /> John Nettel, business owner at 1014 E. Pine, expressed concern with the perimeter fence <br /> for the proposed project, indicating the fence would restrict access to his business and <br /> that negotiations with Global Metal Recycling to enhance access to his property had been <br /> unsuccessful. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />324 November 16, 1998 <br /> <br /> <br />