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<br />12/27/200" 10:2~ <br /> <br />8052121891 <br /> <br />THOLLAND INS 3VCS <br /> <br />PAGE 02/e, <br /> <br />COMNIERClAL GENl'RAL UMlIU'I'Y <br />CG 20 33 07 04 <br /> <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE FlEAD IT CAREFULLY. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, L.ESSEES OR <br />CONTRACTORS - AUTOMATIC 5T JI.TUS WHEN <br />REQUIRED IN CC)NSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH YOU <br /> <br />This endersemelll modifies inoul< nee provided under the fol\QWinlf <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIP BIUTY COVERAGE PART <br /> <br />A. section II - Who Is An Ins .,.d i5 amended 10 <br />inolude as an additlOl1al insur!d en)' person. or ()r- <br />ganization for whom you 8'" I erforming operations <br />wnan you and suen pelSOn "organlmtion have <br />a9reOO in WItting in a conlra Jt or agreemelll thaI <br />suon person or organization 118 added as an addl- <br />tional insured on your poticy Such pBl'8On or or~ <br />ganization is an additional i lsur~ only with. re- <br />spect to liability for "bod Iy injury". 'ploperIV <br />damage' or "perional OIl'I advertising injury" <br />caused, In whoie Of in part, tr '; <br /> <br />1. your acts or omissions: 01 <br /> <br />2. Tn. acts or omiasions 01 those 801ing on your <br />behaff; <br /> <br />in the pelformance of your ( ngOlng operatio,," lor <br />the additional insured. <br /> <br />A petson's or organization'S ;latus aO an additional <br />insured under this endorse. nenl ends when your <br />operations for thaI addIIiOl",1 insured ere 00lT>- <br />pIoted. <br /> <br />':'. l <br /> <br />I;") t '()It M <br /> <br />-/% <br /> <br />~ ( J:c. _____. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />B. WIth respect to llIe insurance afforded 10 th..e <br />additional insuAds. \he M\OWing a<I<Ii1Ional .xelu- <br />sions apply: <br /> <br />ThIs insurance (1oeG not apply 10: <br /> <br />1. 'Bodily inju~r. '\lroperIV damage" or "peraonal <br />and atlvertis;ng injury" .lising 0\1\ of the render- <br />Ing of. or lh., fallura \Q render. any p<<>tes9ionai <br />orchi\ecl\lral, engin....ling or ouNeying ..r. <br />\llces. includ log: <br /> <br />a. The prepertng. apprOlliog. or faiting 10 pre <br />P"'" or approve, mape. .hop drawings <br />opinions repoo1B. SUNays. lieId orde", <br />ch8nge orders or draw;ngs and specifies-. <br />liOns; or <br /> <br />b. SUl"'lVit<>ry. inepeolion. architeclural O' <br />enginee ing .oIivities. <br /> <br />2. "Bodily injtJ 'Y" or 'plOperIV damage' oec:urril'll <br />after. <br /> <br />a. All WOIk. including malTfrials. parts ,r <br />equipm,nl furnished in connectlon wIl, <br />auon w,>r1<, on \he project (other than so'" <br />vice. !falntsnance or ",peiO;) \0 be 1'8- <br />formed by or on behl!l\f of the I!Iddrtion~1 il:- <br />oured(sl at lhe location of \lie cove" a <br />operlrtinns has been completed: or <br /> <br />b. ~ P"rtIon of ''yout wort" out of which tt 8 <br />injury or damage alises has been pullo Is <br />inlended uae l1y any pe!$On or organizaticn <br />gthwf tt~n another contractor or 8ubcontr8 >- <br />tor en, aged In performing oporatlons for · <br />prinal'll as 8 pert 01 the aame project. <br /> <br />CG 20 33 07 Q4 <br /> <br />0150 Properties. Inc.. 2004 <br /> <br />Page 1 cf 1 <br /> <br />] <br />