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<br />HBA, Incorporated <br />POLICY NllMBER: BCS0015293 <br />Pdlicy ~erm: 06/27/07 - 06/27/08 <br /> <br />(._ .OORCIAL GEl'l"ERAL UABILITY <br />CG 25 03 03 97 <br /> <br />TIDS EI\'DORSEMENT CHANGES THE roUCY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br /> <br />DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT(S) <br />GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT <br /> <br />This endorsement me>dilies iJlsurance provided llnder the fonowing: <br /> <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />SCHEDULE <br /> <br />Designated Construction Projects: <br /> <br />ALL PROJECTS <br /> <br />(If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable <br />to this endorsement.) <br /> <br />A. For all sums which the iJlsured becomes legally designated constrnction project shown in the <br /> <br />~~~7,e~~~lcbVEiAG1~ (S~~l~ ~,"':d 4. ~~::~:.,. in the DeclaratioIlS for Each <br />for all medical ~enses caused by accidents 1lnder Occurrence, FITe D~e and Medical Ex- <br />COVERAGEC (SECTION I), which can be att- pellSe continue to apply. However, instead of <br />ributed only to ongoing operations at a single des- being sllbject to the General Aggregate Limit <br />ignated construction project shown in the Schedule shown in the Declarations, such limits will be <br />above: snbject to the applicable Designated Const:rnc- <br />1. A separate Designated Constrnction Project tion Project Geileral Aggregate Limit. <br />General Aggregate Limit applies to each des- B. For all sums which the iJlsured becomes legally <br />ignated construction 'P!'~ct, and that limit is obligated to pay as damages caused by "occur- <br />equal to the amount of General Aggregate rences" llnd_ er COVERAGE A ~ECTION 1), and <br />Limit shown inthe Declarations. <br />for all medical expenses caused accidents llnder <br />2. The Designated Construction Project General COVERAGE C (SECTION 1), which cannot be <br />Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the attributed only to ongoing operations at a single <br />swn of aU damages llnder COVERAGE A, ex- designated ronstmction project shown in the Sched- <br />cept damages oecause of 'bodily injllIJ" or ille above: <br />'property damage" included in the "prodncts- 1 A~paymentsmadellnderCO"'ERAGEAfor <br />completed operations hazard', and for medical . ~J <br />expenses nnaer COVERAGE C regardless of damages or nnder COVERAGE C for medical <br />the number of: expenses shallrednce the amount available nn- <br />der the General Aggregate Limit or the Prod- <br />a. Insureds; ucts-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit, <br />b. claims made or "snits' brought; or whichever is applicable; and <br />eo Persons or organizations making claims or 2. Such payments shall not reduce any Designated <br />bringing 'ruts". Constrnction Project General Aggregate Limit. <br />3. Any payments made llnder COVERAGE A for C. Wllen coverage for liability arising out of the <br />damages or nnder COV'ERAGE C for medical 'prodncts-completed operations hazard" is provided, <br />expenses shall reduce the Designated Con- any payments for daniages because of 'liodily in- <br />struction Project General Aggregate Limit for jury" or 'property damage' included in the "pro- <br />that designated constrnction project Such pay- ducts-completed operations hazard' will redllce the <br />mems sliill not reduce the General Aggregate Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit, <br />Limit shown in the Declarations nor shall they and not reduce the General Aggregate Limit nor <br />reduce any other Designated Constrnction Pro- the Designated Construction Project General Ag- <br />ject General Aggregate Limit for any other grega~I:"1~~)"! ED AS TO FORM <br /> <br />CG 25 03 03 97 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, In<:., ~996 ~..:age 1 ~2 0 <br />--. <br /> <br />) .--:) <br /> <br />Gl:ftleral Agent's Copy <br /> <br />"d'o\...l. ,-,li)' hl~l..L .i~)' <br />