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<br />~ <br /> <br />'VOEKRA-LITE <br /> <br />~~'l..d""h&'-~ <br />3102 W. ALTON AVE. <br />SANTA ANA, CA 92704 <br />PHONE: 714..436.0706 FAX: 714.436.0812 <br /> <br />DATE <br />PAGE: <br /> <br />PROPOSAL <br /> <br />BILL TO: <br />SANTA ANA DOWNTOWN DEVELOP. <br />305 E 4TH STREET STE. 201 <br />SANTA ANA CA 92701-4639 <br /> <br />SHIP TO: <br />SANTA ANA DOWNTOWN DEVELOP. <br />1000 E SANTA ANA BLVD <br />SANTA ANA CA 92701 <br /> <br />DANELL MERCADO <br />PHONE (714) 565-4003 Ext. 0000 <br />FAX (714) 647-6549 Ext. 0000 <br /> <br />PO Number Cuslomer 10 <br />SAN028 <br /> <br />INSTALL DATE <br />REMOVAL DATE <br /> <br />OCTOBER 2006 <br /> <br />Salesperson ID Shipping Method <br />SJ INSTALL <br /> <br />Payment Terms <br />50/50 <br /> <br />Reg Ship Date <br />0/0/0000 <br /> <br />Unit Price <br /> <br />Quantity Item Number <br /> <br />Description <br /> <br />UOM <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />TREELTGMISC <br /> <br />Palm Trees lit w/DL-22 Up Lights (3 per tree) Each <br />includes all materials, manpower, and machinery <br />for installation. <br />Labor Installalion of] 98' 6" Low Voltage Each <br />Archway and Fence Lights. Clear bulbs, black wire. <br />Includes all manpower, and machinery required for <br />installation. <br /> <br />$1,585.00 <br /> <br />LABORINST <br /> <br />$2,418.10 <br /> <br />Courtyard Area <br /> <br />Subtotal <br />Tax <br /> <br />Freight <br /> <br />Total <br /> <br />we propose hereby tofurntsh Jlftl(iJct and/or tabor. completely In arcadance wtth above spedflcaOO1s, for tile sum of <br /> <br />50'16 DEPOSIT DUE UPON ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL <br />BALANCE AMOUNT OUE UPON INSTALLATION OR DEUVERY <br /> <br />PRPO] 0400 <br /> <br />9/22/2006 <br />] <br /> <br />Master No. <br />]2,263 <br /> <br />Extended Price <br /> <br />$9,510.00 <br /> <br />$2,418.10 <br /> <br />$11,928.10 <br />$431.47 <br />$0.00 <br />$] 2.359 57 <br />$6,395.52 <br />$5.964.05 <br /> <br />GenenI 'hIl'1ns: The I)attleS agree to the folowing additional t.etrt'lS Of this contraCt <br />A deposit Of 5O%iSduel.4XX'l exeeutbn of this COntr3ct with tflebalance dueonttleinstallatb'l date or deIvefy date Lnlessspecifled atx:r.oe. AI reQUeStedctl3f'1Qe$ to the abOvlHleso1JEd <br /> work WIDe subjeCt <br />to additlonaI charges. Cancel!aticns and redl.lCt:ions,n, subject .toa 3000 restoddng fee. Atri amotxltnot paid wtlen due, is subject to a late charge of 1,5% per mcmh!1B% per annum). <br /> Owrtel" is responsible <br />forPl"ClYldngandmaintairWlg ~ electrical outlets: adjaeent tottle ~ lOcatIons forftdecOr.1tionsand buiklinglightS. Dekn.utel$l'!Otresponslbleforanv~damagedor leSt due to vaooatism, <br />extreme weather cmdItions, or acts of God and wiI make efforts to replace such procJuct for an adlitional Charge. All dates spe(iRed are Slbject to change due to hclemer1t weather. Oekra-Ute <br /> WVI replace 9I'fI( <br />malfLnctioning prJJduct but does I'ICt ouaramee that each n1Mdual tamp wIIl1g/'l't durInq the entire instaBed period. This Contract ~ governed I1y CaifornIa laW and Is the entire COlltract <br /> between the JWties;, <br />SUPerSedng all prior COl'IYeI'Satlons and writi'IgS between the parties, In the event of a dispute 2I'ising out of this Contract. tt'oe parties 5haII arb/tram in 0ranQe. Countv before <br /> a single arbltratO'" selected through <br />JAj,tSJENJISPUTE, hrtI judgement \JPOI1 the award rendered by the arbitrator IT'l<lV be entered in am court having .itJrisdJction t:t\ereof The prevailing party in artlitT<ltlon sha~ <br /> be entitled to its reasonable <br />attorneys' fees and cos~ <br />S J o;g;toIIy_b-tSl-._ <br />tacey ordan :~~:'-~- <br />If not accepted withln days, this proposal may be withdrawn Delcra-Ute <br /> <br />~t...,Q, of ~ The i'ldMclual sIonin!;l this COntract accepts the ~ Proposal and certlfleS to DekrHite that he or she is authorized to enter 1000 tt1ls Contract on behalf of OWner. <br /> <br />Date: <br /> <br />Property Owner: <br />AuthoriZed Agent: <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />EXI-If A <br />