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<br />Contingent Ground Lease Between <br />LHA, the City of S.A., and CRA <br />March 19, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Now that the Specific Plan process is in the final stages, LHC is very <br />anxious to move forward with its concept. Therefore, the City and Agency <br />are proposing to enter into a Long-Term Contingent Ground Lease with the <br />following terms: <br /> <br />. Term - 20-years with two 10-year extensions <br /> <br />. Rent - $1.00 per year <br /> <br />. Lease contingent upon: <br />a. LHA obtaining title to the parcel (or ground lease for a <br />period equal to or greater than contingent lease with City & <br />Agency) not owned by City or Agency to make it part of a 4- <br />parcel site (Exhibit A) . <br />b. LHA demonstrating financial ability to construct and operate <br />the facility over the term of the lease. Proof of <br />construction financing must be submitted to and approved by <br />the Executive Director of the Community Redevelopment Agency. <br />c. LHA receiving all necessary City entitlement (e.g., zoning, <br />variances, etc.) and having approved building permits for the <br />property. <br /> <br />· Property to be developed and operated as a privately owned, open to <br />the public, community recreation center facility (Exhibit B) . <br /> <br />· Project design and layout, including building location, must be <br />designed to accommodate a potential future larger park project. <br /> <br />CEQA COMPLIANCE <br /> <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the project <br />qualifies for a Categorical Exemption (ER 2007-28) . <br /> <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br /> <br />There is no fiscal impact associated with this action. <br /> <br />nwn <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Edwards <br />Assistan Director <br />Community Development Agency <br /> <br />SGH/VU/mlr <br />H:\ACTIONS\2007 CC\P. H. JT cc-eRA ContingentGroundLeaseLatinoHealthAccess V2 3-19-07 (2) .doc <br /> <br />80A-2 <br />