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the City Council, but rather such provisions are repeated for <br />tracking purposes only in conformance with the Charter. <br />Section 2. Sections 2-551 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code is amended to <br />read in full as follows: <br />Sec. 2-551. Members <br />(a) The Commission shall consist of seventeen (17) members. Seven <br />(7) members shall be subject to appointment and removal and shall serve terms in <br />accordance with section 901 of the Charter of the City of Santa Ana. <br />(b) Two (2) additional at-large members shall be appointed by the City <br />Council. These members shall serve a maximum of two terms of four years each, <br />and shall be subject to the same qualifications, term limits and removal as set forth <br />in Section 901 of the Charter of the City of Santa Ana; except that the City Council <br />may choose to appoint persons who are not qualified electors, in which case such <br />members shall be non-voting members in the same fashion as those appointed <br />pursuant to (c), below. <br />(c) There shall be eight (8) additional non-voting members appointed <br />as follows: one appointed by the governing board of the Santa Ana Unified School <br />District; one appointed by the governing board of the Garden Grove Unified School <br />District; one appointed by the governing board of the Rancho Santiago Community <br />College District; one appointed by the Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce; one <br />appointed by another chamber of commerce in Orange County selected by the City <br />Council; one appointed by the director of Orange County Probation Department; <br />one appointed by the director of the Orange County Social Services Department; <br />and one appointed by a faith-based organization in the community selected by the <br />City Council. These members shall serve four-year terms, and a maximum of two <br />terms of four years each. Said members shall be entitled to attend all meetings of <br />the Commission and to participate in the discussions to the same extent as the <br />Council-appointed members, but they shall not make, second, or vote on motions, <br />or be counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum exists for voting <br />purposes. <br />(d) Persons appointed pursuant to subsection (c) by the Santa Ana <br />Unified School District, the Garden Grove Unified School District, the Rancho <br />Santiago Community College District, the Orange County Probation Department, <br />and the Orange County Social Services Department may be an officer of their <br />respective agency and/or a member of the governing board of the agency, whether <br />elected or appointed. <br />Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of <br />this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision <br />of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the <br />Ordinance No. NS- <br />Page 2 of 3 11 A-2 <br />