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REQUEST FOR. <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: <br />MARCH 19, 2007 <br />TITLE: <br />~~ <br />CONTRACT AWARD FOR LAKE <br />AERATION SYSTEMS FOR THORNTON <br />AND CENTENNIAL PARKS <br />(SPEC. NO. 07-024) <br />C -_- <br />CIT MANAGER <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL USE ONLY: <br />APPROVED <br />^ As Recommended <br />^ As Amended <br />^ Ordinance on 1~' Reading <br />^ Ordinance on 2"d Reading <br />^ Implementing Resolution <br />^ Set Public Hearing For_ <br />CONTINUED TO <br />FILE NUMBER <br />Award a contract to Keeton Industries, Inc., for lake aeration systems for <br />Thornton and Centennial Parks, in the amount of $34,499. <br />Over the past year, the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency has <br />been renovating the eight-acre lake at Centennial Park and the two-acre <br />lake at Thornton Park. Aside from improved landscape and hardscape, the <br />renovation plan includes the purchase and installation of an aeration <br />system for both lakes. Build up of sludge has caused algae to flourish; <br />the new specialized aeration system will remove the sludge. Operating <br />continuously, this installed system will improve water quality, clarity and <br />condition at the lakes. <br />The notice inviting bids was advertised on February 2 and 5, 2007, and bids <br />were solicited. A summary of the bid invitations and bids received is as <br />follows: <br />11 Invitations For Bid mailed <br />1 Bid received <br />A bid was received, opened on February 21, 2007, and evaluated. The bid <br />from Keeton Industries, Inc., is responsive to the specification and meets <br />the City's requirements. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />Funds are available in the Recreation and Community Services Facilities <br />Maintenance Other Contractual Services account (account no. 11-260-6291). <br />GUb <br />Gerardo N~OUet <br />Executive1Director <br />Parks, Rec. & Comm. Svcs <br />APPROVED AS TO FUNDS AND ACCOUNT: <br />. <br />L&'rancisco Gutierrez <br />7~ Executive Director <br />Agency~f~f~_AFinance & Mgmt. Services Agency <br />r_nn/ran /no_non o..,,. <br />