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POLICY #: 7180096900001 <br />INSURED' Harris & Associates Inc. <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE FOLICl. FLEASE RE.~D TT C:IREFLILLT <br />ADDITIONAL INSURED <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided tinder the following. <br />CCriVntiEkl T,~L GENERaI. LI?,BILITI COb'ER•1GE B-1RT and GL CONTRACTOkS <br />EtTENDER FORA4 GCCr 2(K U2 US <br />a. Cc )R~Ilv4ERCL-U. GENERAL. LI,~ILITP C10~-BR?.GE FRObf CG UO OI 12 04 is amended b}' the following wording. <br />b. (iL i'ONTkaCTCtkS ESTENDEK paragraph 1. ADDITIONAI. INSURED -REi1LIIRED IN CONTR4CT, <br />:1GkEEhIFNT OK PERhgT as deleted and replaced by the following cording. <br />IdrflU IS fllV INSURED - (Section II'} is <br />amended to include as an additional insured <br />any person or nrganiwtion you are required to <br />add as an additional insured under this policy <br />in a written contract or written agreement in <br />effect duuing this policy' period and signed and <br />executed by you prior to the loss for which <br />coverage is sought. The person or <br />orgaiuza[ion does not yualify as an additional <br />insured with respect to the independent acts or <br />omissions of such person or organization. The <br />person nr organization is only an additional <br />itvstaed with respect to liability for "bodily <br />injure", `prnperh~ damage"' nr "personal and <br />advertising injun" caused by "pour work" <br />perforned tinder the tvntten contract or written <br />agreement. <br />The unsurance provided Gi the additional <br />insuued is limited as follows: <br />al This endorsement shall not increase <br />the limits scored in Section III - <br />LIMITS OF INSUIt4N~ ~. <br />h1 The instuance provided to the <br />additional insured does not apply [n <br />'bodily injury°, "property damage", <br />or "persomil and advertising injtvy" <br />arising out of sin arclvtect's, <br />engineer's or stuve}'oi s rendering o£ <br />of failure to render am professional <br />services including. <br />I. The preparing, approving or <br />failing to prepare or approve <br />maps, shop draurngs, <br />opinions, reports, surveys, <br />field orders, change orders, <br />or drawmtgs and <br />specificatfonr. and <br />R Supervisory' nr vvspection <br />activities performed as put <br />cf anc related uchitechual <br />or engineering activities <br />Air <br />C}neBeaam .-lmeiica <br />cl This instuance does not apply to <br />"bodrl}' injtu}.. or "property damage.. <br />caused by "Frour work"' included in <br />[he "products-completed operations <br />hazard" tutless you are reyuired to <br />provide such coverage for the <br />additional insured by a written <br />contract or written agreement itt effect <br />during this policy period and signed <br />and executed by you prior to the loss <br />for which covenige is sought <br />3. Subpart (1)(a1 of [he Pollution exclusion <br />(Section I - Crn-er<tges, peat Z. f. of the <br />Commercial General Liability Coverage form 1 <br />does not apple to cou if the "bodily injury'' or <br />"propertc damage" arises out of "your work" <br />performed rnt premises which are owned or <br />rented by the additional insuued at fhe time <br />"your work" is performed. <br />A. Any- coverage provided by this endorsement tot <br />an additional insured shall be excess over :mv <br />other valid and collectible instuance available <br />to the additional insured whether primer}'. <br />excess, contingent or nn any other basis unless <br />a written conu'act or written agreement in <br />etTect during this policy period and signed and <br />executed by you prior to the loss for which <br />coverage is sought specifically requires that <br />this instuance apply nn a primary or non- <br />contributon' basis. <br />5. As a conditron of coverage. each additional <br />insuued must: <br />a) Give us prompt written notice of any <br />"occurrence" or offense which mac <br />result iii a claim and prompt written <br />notice of "suit" <br />b) Immediately forward all legal papers <br />to us, cooperate in the defenst of any <br />actions. and otherwise comply with <br />polio}' conditions. <br />"t .~'v ~J AS 'h4 y . <br />---""-- ~ t11 .! . <br />Assistant. i~i~• <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />