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ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS <br />1. $$PRODUCTION IN AUDIO/VIDEO -The recording, reproduction, or transmission of Artist's <br />performance is Prohibited absent consem of Artist and La Familia Enterprises. No video equipment or <br />audio recorders will be allowed on premises. Still Photos/personal snapshots aze acceptable. This is the <br />responsibility of your gate personnel to now allow video cameras pas[ the entrance. <br />2. CATERING -Requirements for catering consist of Baked, grilled or broiled hot fish meal and <br />vegetables; bottled water, 12-pack of Diet Cokes, one case of Coke Classic, Got tea; cups and ice, aapkins, <br />plastic Imives and forks to serve 15 persons. LA FAMILIA STRIVES TO BRING YOU A FIRST CLASS <br />SHOW, IN DOING SO WE ASK YOU NOT TO PROVIDE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES UNTIL, <br />AFTER PERFORMANCE. <br />3. ACCOMODATIONS -City will provide accommodations, in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for 2 single <br />and 6 double rooms. <br />4. ~QMPLIMyFNTA_RY TICKFTS AND BACKSTAGE PASSES -City will allow artist (15) <br />Complimentary Tickets famished by City or honor La Familia Erterprises Complimentary Tickets and <br />Employee ID Cards. City's Complimentary Tickets will be issued [o Artist's Road Manager upon arrival. <br />At performances where Backstage Passes are requireA, minimum of (15) Passes will be issued to Artist's <br />Road Manager, upon arrival. <br />5. BILLING -Little Joe & is Familia shall Lave headline billing in all advertisirrg, lights, displays, radio, <br />marquees, programs and any and all other advertising and publicity media. Artist wilt have first priority on <br />show time and staging. All promotion shall specify: GRAMMY A WARD WINNER -LITRE JOE & <br />LA FAMILIA. <br />6. ADVIRTISING/PROMOTIONS -All inquiries regarding pubhcity and interviews (radio, television, or <br />newspaper) contact Criselda Cruz 254-773-1775. <br />7. MERCHANDISING -Artist shall have the right [o sell t-shirts, caps, jackets, photographs, rd's, dud's, <br />and other paraphernalia on the premises of the engagemem venue without any participation in the proceeds <br />by City subject, however, to wncessionaire's requirements, if any. <br />8. CORPORATE SPONSORS -THE NAME LITTLE IOE & LA FAMILIA IS NOT TO BE <br />ASSOCIATED WITH ANY BEER AND/OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS (BANNERS OR POSTERS) <br />WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT OF ARTIST. <br />9. j~ENGTH OF PERFORMANCE - If there is a time delay, Artist shall nevertheless perform length <br />specified on teens. <br />J 0. SOUND & LIGHT SYSTEM -City agrees to famish a Sound & Light System in good working order at <br />no charge to Artist unless otherwise specified. <br />10. In the event of riot, civil disorder, Acts of God, periods of national mourning, rebellions, bomb threats <br />necessitating the cancellation of dre concert, or floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, or any other natural disaster <br />which causes the area in which the concert site is located to be declared a national disaster area eligible for <br />federal aid, City shall have the authority to cancel this engagement without further obligation between [he <br />parties hereto. In the event of such non-performance far any of the reasoos stated in this paragraph, the <br />monies (if any) advanced to ARTIST hereunder, shall be returned on a pro-rata basis. <br />