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<br />. . <br /> <br />Said Real P, operty, and business goodwill, if any, the total sum of: <br /> <br />. I'll r III 'NDRED SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($ 565000 <br />City agrees t~ deposit said purchase price in escrow with the Escrow Agent within THIRTY (30~' <br />days after IhL r1dte on which the City has approved this PSA, and the Escrow Agent is hereby <br />authorized tu pay the same to Seller upon and after: <br /> <br />(a) Conveyance of Said Real Property by Seller to City as hereinabove provided; <br /> <br />(b) Acceptance by City of a Grant Deed conveying Said Real Property to City; <br /> <br />(c) Delivery to City of the policy of title insurance as hereinabove required; <br /> <br />(d) RecorrJatlun of the Deed conveying Said Real Property to City. <br /> <br />7. Possession. Seller agrees to deliver to City, on the date the Deed conveying Said Real <br />Property to City is recorded, quiet and peaceful possession of Said Real Property, which shall <br />be made free by Seller of all personal property. <br /> <br />8. Rental and Occupancy bv Seller. Seller agrees to execute a complete, current and <br />correct statement of rentals (Seller Estoppels) on a form furnished to Seller by Buyer and to <br />deliver same to Buyer within fifteen (15) days hereof with copies of any written leases or rental <br />agreements atlachuu. All rents will be prorated as of the close of escrow on the basis of a 30- <br />day month /360-ct<lY year consistent with that statement, subject to approval of Buyer. Seller <br />hereby agrees not to rent any units on the premises which are now vacant, or which may be <br />vacated by the present occupants prior to close of escrow. Seller agrees that any and all tenant <br />security depOSits pmtaining to the subject property collected by or that are In the possession of <br />Seller prior to the close of escrow shall be transferred to and become the property of Buyer <br />during escrow. <br /> <br />Seller hereby warrants that the rental statement referred to shall include the terms of all rental <br />agreements, tenanCies, and leases (oral or written, recorded, or unrecorded) a;dllsell~r agrees <br /> <br />to hold Buyer harmless from at~~a~~\~%~~::;: ~~~~ ~ra:~: ~~~i;~~~t~~t~~bj:C~~~o~~rty <br />warrants that there d re no ora <br />exceeding a perrod 01 one month. <br /> <br />. . f breach of any covenant or agreement herein <br />9 Waivers TI'" waiVer by City 0 any d held to be a waiver of any subsequent or <br />~ntained on the part of Seller shall not be deeme or er of any breach of any other covenants <br />other breach of Si lie! covenant or agreement nor a walv <br />or agreements Cl>l1talned herem. <br />. This PSA and all the terms, covenants and <br />10. Heirs, Assiqns, successo~s ~i~~~~:r~~~;s, executo;s, administrators, successors and <br />conditions hereof. sl1all apply to an <br />assigns of the respective Parlies hereto_ . 11 <br />II matters and things hereunder to be done and In a <br />11. Time is of the Essenc~- ~nr:e is and shall be of the essence. <br />payments hereund," to be ma e, I . . <br />. er hereb grants City, and ItS authonzed <br />12. Permission to Enter on pre~'~esi ir~~erty at a~ reasonable times prior to close of <br />agents, permission 10 enter upon Sal ea <br /> <br /> <br />Seller's \nitials\l R <br /> <br />Pa'ge 3 of8 <br />