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<br />authorized, for and in the name of and on behalf of the Authority, to execute and deliver <br />a Agency Agreement with respect to each Project in said form, with such additions <br />thereto or changes therein as are recommended or approved by such officers upon <br />consultation with bond counsel to the Authority including such additions or changes as <br />are necessary or advisable in accordance with Section 5 hereof, the approval of such <br />additions or changes to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery by the <br />Authority of the Agency Agreement. <br /> <br />Section 5. A Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (the <br />"Regulatory Agreement") between the Authority and the Borrower, in substantially the <br />form presented at this meeting, is hereby approved. The Designated Officers of the <br />Authority are, and each of them acting alone is, hereby authorized, for and in the name <br />of and on behalf of the Authority, to execute and deliver a Regulatory Agreement with <br />respect to each Project in said form, with such additions thereto or changes therein as <br />are recommended or approved by such officers upon consultation with bond counsel to <br />the Authority including such additions or changes as are necessary or advisable in <br />accordance with Section 6 hereof, the approval of such additions or changes to be <br />conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery by the Authority of the Regulatory <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />Section 6. All actions heretofore taken by the officers and agents of the Authority with <br />respect to the financing contemplated by this Resolution, the Program and the issuance <br />and delivery of the Bonds are hereby approved, confirmed and ratified, and the proper <br />officers of the Authority, including the Designated Officers, are hereby authorized, for <br />and in the name and on behalf of the Authority, to do any and all things and take any <br />and all actions and execute and deliver any and all certificates, agreements and other <br />documents which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or advisable in order to <br />consummate the lawful issuance and delivery of the Bonds in accordance with this <br />Resolution and resolutions heretofore adopted by the Authority and in order to carry out <br />the proposed financing and the Program, including but not limited to those certificates, <br />agreements and other documents described in the Pledge and Assignment Agreement, <br />the Agency Agreement, the Regulatory Agreement and the other documents herein <br />approved and any certificates, agreements or documents as may be necessary to <br />further the purpose hereof, evidence credit support or additional security for the Bonds, <br />or evidence the obligation to purchase Bonds upon tender by the Bondholders, but <br />which shall not create any obligation or liability of the Authority other than with respect <br />to the revenues and assets derived from the proceeds of the Bonds. <br /> <br />Section 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. <br />ADOPTED this 21st day of Mav, 2007. <br /> <br /> <br />Miguel'A. Pulido <br />Chair <br /> <br />Resolution No. HA 2007-003 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />