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NR-1-This reading was obtained on-site inside the rear portion of the pool area of the South Building. The 15- <br />minute reading began at 11:00 am. Backgound noise include the rooms' air conditioning units, traffic noise, bird <br />calls, and aircraft overflights. <br />NR-2 -This reading was obtained on-site inside the front portion of the pool area of the Middle Building. The 15- <br />minute reading began at 11:19 a.m. Background noise include. the rooms' av conditioning units, traffic noise, and <br />aircraft overflights. <br />NR-3 -This reading was obtained in the grassy azea located in front of the NorW Building along Harbor <br />Boulevard. The meter was placed 50 feet east of the centerline of travel (grease stain) of the near, northbound lane. <br />The 15-minute reading began at 11:41 a.m. Background noise was due to traffic on Harbor Boulevazd, but aircraft <br />overflights, including a heliwpter overflight, also added to the ambient noise level.. Northbound traffic on Hazbor <br />Boulevard included 295 autos, 11 medium trucks, and three heavy tracks, Southbound traffic included 276 autos, <br />I 1 medium tracks, and one heavy truck. Two cars were also observed to pass the meter. at a distance of about 20 <br />feet; one pulling into and pulling out of the motel. <br />NR-4 -This reading was obtained on-site in the grassy courtyard area of the north building. Harbor Boulevard was <br />partially visible from this location. The 15-minute reading began at 12:06 p.m. Background noise include-the <br />rooms' air conditioning units, traffic noise, and people passing through the courtyard. <br />NR-5 - To determine compliance with the State itrterior noise standards for sensitive land uses, this reading was <br />obtained inside of Room 462. This second floor room faces directly o»to Harbor Boulevard with a window view of <br />the street. The room is also located along the facility driveway and subject to parking lot noise. Furthermore, the <br />room is located next to the stairway and people using the other rooms along this floor continually pass this room. <br />As such, the room represems a reasonable worst-case scenario. Interior courtyard rooms, those that face the <br />Park~B area, and those along the West I{em Avenue that do not face onto harbor Boulevard would be considerably <br />quieter than the monitored room. <br />As noted, the reading included 24 hourly readings as well as a 24-hour composite reading, The composite reading <br />is included in Table 3. The results of the 24 hourly measurements, and calculated interior CNF.L, aze included In <br />Table 4. Note that the results of the analysis show an i~erior noise level of 50.7 dBA CNEL. As noted, the State <br />sets urterior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL. <br />2.4.2 Noise Level Modeling <br />Modeling of Observed Field Data <br />Noise from motor vehicles is generated by engine vibrations, the imeraction between tires and the road, and the <br />exhaust system. Reducing the average motor vehicle speed reduces the noise exposure at receptors adjacent to the <br />road. Each reduction of 5 mph reduces noise by approximately 1 dBA. <br />The Caltrans 5ound32 version of the Federal Highway Administration traffic noise predicfion model (Sound32 - <br />Release 07/30/91) was used to evaluate traffic-related noise conditions in the project area. The model predicts i- <br />hour Leq noise levels and these are conrpazed with the field measurements to determine the applicability of the <br />model to local conditions, Later in this analysis, a factor is applied to provide the CNEL noise levels. These latter <br />values were used in assessing potemial impacts from the project implemerrtation. <br />The Sound32 noise model uses various parameters including the traffic volume, vehicle mix, vehicle speed, and <br />roadway geometry to compute typical equivale~ noise levels. Sound32 modeling was prepared for the number of <br />vehicles and logistics observed during field reading NR-3 obtained along Harbor Boulevard. Vehicles were <br />modeled at the posted speed of 40 mph. Bath "soft" and "hard" site modeling were prepared. The resuhs of this <br />analysis aze included in Table 5. Note that the best overall correlation is obtained for "soft" site modeling where <br />Predicted values are within 1 dBA of the measured values. <br />75D-129 <br />