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TABLE S <br />NOISE LEVEL MEASUREMENTS i'EIdSUS PRF.D7CTEn MnnFr. uFCrtr Te <br />Monitorln Location <br />NR-3 (Soft Site) Measured dBA <br /> <br />67 <br />9 Modeled Le (dBA ~ <br />67.4 Di erence (dBA <br />0.5 <br /> . <br />NR-3 (Hard Site) 69.2 1.3 <br />Modeling of Existing 71"ajy1C Volumes <br />Noise within the project azea is dominated by vehicles traveling along Harbor Boulevazd. In order to assess the <br />potemial for mobile-source noise impacts, it is necessary fo determine the noise currently generated by vehicles <br />traveling through the area. Average daily traffic volumes (AD'I) are based on data provided by Bob Kahn of RK <br />Engineering Group as per his discussion with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). Mr. Kahn <br />reports that OCTA estimates that Harbor Boulevazd currently carries 42,000 ADT and could carry 47,000 ADT at <br />General Plan build out. <br />To determine the CNEL noise level produced by this traffic, the percentage contribution from each hour of traffic <br />was determined from an Orange County, year 2005 model run of the California Av Resources Boazd's <br />EMFAC2002 computer model used in the projection of vehicle emissions. The model predicts the volume of <br />vehicles and miles generated for each of the 24 hours of the day. The ratio of each hour of traffic to the total daily <br />traffic was then calculated from the model data. Traffic between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. was <br />assigned a 5-dBA penalty whereas the traffic predicted between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. was assigned a 10-dBA <br />penalty. The resultant noise associated with each hour was then logarithmically summed and averaged so that a <br />"correction" factor could be ascertained and applied to the entire vohune of traffic as if it were to occur in a 1-hour <br />period. Under these premises, this CNEL value is 10.2 dBA less than the model results that are predicted if the <br />entirety of the ADT volume were modeled to occur in a 1-hour period. As such, the CNEL can be represented by <br />modeling the ADT as if it were to occur in a 1-hour period and subtracting 10.2 dBA from the resultant value. <br />For the purposes of this analysis, the ratio of automobiles, medium trucks, and heavy trucks is based on the vehicle <br />counts observed along Harbor Boulevazd in the field study during noise reading NR-3. In all, 597 vehicles were <br />coumed during the field reading. Of these vehicles, 571(95:64 percem) were autos, 22 (3.69 percent) were medium <br />trucks, and four (0.67 perceut) were heavy trucks. Vehicle speeds are based on the posted speed limit of 40 mph. <br />Table 6 presents the projected noise level along Harbor Boulevard, as well as the distances to the 70, 65, and 60 <br />dBA CNEL noise contours. The modeling assumes "soft" site conditions that shows a better correlation with field <br />observation. Based on the distance to the proximate on-site structures (approximately 65 feet from the cernerline of <br />the road), exterior noise at the nearest rooms is approximately 71 dBA CNEL. Based on the measurements <br />obtained in Room 462, the stnrcture is estimated to provide approximately 20 dBA of attenuation. <br />TABLE 6 <br />EXISTING TRAFFIC-GENERATEDNOISELEYELS THROUGHTHEPItO.IECTAREA' <br /> Existing Sristing Distance Distance Distance <br />Street Name Location Speed (mph) ADT CNEL (dBA to 70 io 65 to ti0 <br /> Volumes @ 50 Feet) CNEL CNEL CNEL <br /> <br />Harbor Boulevazd <br />S/O McFadden <br />40 <br />42,000 <br />72.4 (Feet <br />73 Feet) <br />156 Feet <br />335 <br />1 A.. ~___ __~ c._.. _ <br />~_.. aaa`uayycu ualui tIIG t%GIILGIime Or me rOaa. <br />II <br />75D-131 <br />