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regulations will avoid significant exposure of construction workers and/or the <br />public to lead-based paint. <br />11. If polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are discovered during onsite <br />investigations, all PCB-containing lighting ballasts will be removed and <br />disposed of in conformance with federal, state and local laws and <br />regulations so as to avoid exposure of construction workers and/or the <br />public to PCB containing materials. <br />12. A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) will be prepared and <br />implemented as part of the design of the project. The WQMP will include <br />structural treatment and non-structural best management practices (BMPs), <br />including installation of storm filters and other control mechanisms. <br />13. All rooms will include forced air ventilation allowing the residents to leave <br />windows closed reducing interior noise level. <br />14. The developer will specify a minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) <br />rating of 29 for all windows and/or door assemblies that front Harbor <br />Boulevard (west facing). These windows and/or doors are to be well fitting <br />with vinyl (or equivalent) gaskets that form an airtight fitting. <br />15. All exterior fittings that enter the structures (e.g., electrical conduits, HVAC <br />ducts) along Harbor Boulevard will be sealed with caulk such that the fittings <br />are rendered airtight. Any metal ductwork that is exposed to the exterior <br />environmental will be enclosed and insulated to avoid noise transference <br />through the ducting. <br />16. Any in-room air conditioning units placed along Harbor Boulevard will be <br />placed in baffled enclosures reducing transmitted noise, but allowing <br />airflow. <br />17. All construction equipment will be in proper operating condition and fitted <br />with standard factory noise attenuation features. All equipment will be <br />properly maintained to assure that no additional noise, due to worn or <br />improperly maintained parts, would be generated. <br />18. Approved haul routes will be used to minimize exposure of sensitive <br />receptors to potential adverse noise levels from hauling operations. <br />19. To the degree feasible, construction equipment will be sited away from <br />adjacent residential land uses. <br />Resolution No. 2007- <br />Page 7 of 10 <br />75D-159 <br />