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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />Issues & Supporting Information Sources <br />XII. Population and Housing -Would the project: <br />A. Induce substantial population growth in an area, <br />either directly (for example, by proposing new <br />homes and business) or indirectly (for example, <br />through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? <br />B. Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, <br />necessitating the construction of replacement <br />housing elsewhere? <br />C. Displace substantial numbers of people, <br />necessitating the construction of replacement <br />housing elsewhere? <br />XIII. Public Services <br />A. Would the project result in substantial adverse <br />physical impacts associated with the provision of <br />new or physically altered governmental facilities, <br />need for new or physically altered governmental <br />facilities, the construction of which could cause <br />significant environmental impacts, in order to <br />maintain acceptable service rations, response <br />times or other performance objectives for any of <br />the public service: <br />Fire protection? <br />Police protection? <br />Schools? <br />Parks? <br />Other public facilities? <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-11 <br />75D-68 <br /> Less Than <br /> Significant <br />Potentially with Less Than <br />Significant Mitigation Significant No <br />Impact Incorporated Impact Impact <br />^ ^ ^ <br />^ ^ ® ^ <br />^ ^ ® ^ <br />^ ^ ® ^ <br />^ ^ ® ^ <br />^ ^ ® ^ <br />^ ^ ® ^ <br />^ ^ ^ <br />May 2007 <br />gas sz9s.o~ <br />