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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />C. No Impact. The proposed project site is not identified as a hazardous material site <br />nor is on any lists compiled by the City of Santa Ana Fire Department (Ellman pers. <br />comm.). Therefore, no impacts would occur. <br />D, No Impact. The project is not located within an airport land use plan or within 2 <br />miles of an airport. The closest airport to the project site is John Wayne Airport <br />approximately 4.5 miles southeast of the project site. No new structures would be <br />constructed at the project site. The proposed project would not result in hazardous <br />obstructions to operations at John Wayne Airport (City of Santa Ana 1998: A-45). No <br />impacts would occur. <br />VIII. Hydrology and Water Quality <br />A. Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated. The proposed <br />project does not include a substantial amount of new construction on the proposed <br />project site. The existing structure would be utilized and modified internally and <br />externally to conform to City Ordinance No. NS-2471 standards. The proposed <br />project would reduce impervious surfaces by removing a driveway on the southern <br />end of the project and concrete walkways throughout the site and replacing these <br />impervious surfaces with planters and grass areas. Runoff from the project area <br />would be similar to existing conditions and would not degrade water quality <br />standards or significantly violate waste discharge requirements. Best management <br />practices (BMPs) included as part of Mitigation Measure WQ-1, would further limit <br />impacts from project site runoff. Impacts are therefore considered less than <br />significant with mitigation incorporated. <br />WQ-1 A Water Quality Management Plan (WOMP) will be prepared and <br />implemented as part of the design of the project. The WQMP will include <br />structural treatments and non-structural best management practices (BMPs), <br />including installation of storm filters, and other control mechanisms. <br />3. No Impact. The proposed project site is currently developed and mostly paved; <br />therefore, the project site is not a source of groundwater recharge. No impact would <br />occur. <br />C. No Impact. The existing site is mostly impermeable to stormwater due to the <br />impermeable surfaces on site. stormwater runoff currently drains to the storm drains <br />located along Harbor Boulevard and Kent Street. Site drainage after development <br />would continue to be the same. No streams or rivers pass through the proposed <br />project site. No impact would occur. <br />D. Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed project would not increase flooding <br />potential or result in any substantial change in the drainage patterns on or adjacent <br />to the project site. Because of the urban character of the area and the use of the <br />project site as a motel, substantial amounts of stormwater are not readily absorbed <br />into the soil. The existing drainage would remain the same across the proposed <br />project site with little change due to the minor decrease in impervious surfaces. The <br />removal of the driveway in the north part of the project site and the addition of (awns <br />and planters would have beneficial impacts to water quality because they would <br />remove impermeable surfaces on the project site. A less than significant impact <br />would occur. <br />Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 3-22 <br />75D-79 <br />zoos <br />J85 0296.0] <br />