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(g) Compliance with the building security regulations set forth in <br />Chapter 8, Article II, Division 3 of this Code as applicable to new buildings. <br />(10) Compliance with section 18.165.1 through 18.165.4 of this Code <br />relating to the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), <br />and compliance with Chapter 8 of this Code as it relates to the Americans <br />with Disabilities Act. (ADA). <br />(11) A statement that all exterior appurtenances, such as ladders, down <br />spouts, conduits and piping will be removed. <br />(12) Compliance with Article XI of Chapter 41 of this Code (signs) <br />(13) A current structural pest control inspection report issued by a <br />licensed structural pest control operator, showing the subject premises to <br />be free of evidence of termite, dry-rot, fungi and/or damage therefrom. <br />Such a report shall be deemed current for a period of not more than ninety <br />(90) days following the date of inspection. <br />Sec. 41-1805. Utility requirements for the approval of special use permit. <br />No special use permit shall be approved unless the project complies with <br />the following requirements: <br />(a) Electric power, gas and water services must be separately metered <br />for each unit, unless such separate metering is found to be practically or <br />financially infeasible as set forth in section 41-1804(a). <br />(b) Signal transmitting and receiving equipment, including cables, for <br />individual units shall be screened. <br />(c) Common area utilities must be metered separately from unit <br />utilities. Meters providing such separation may be either municipally owned or, <br />subject to the written approval of the director of public works as to type, owned <br />by the associated owners in common. <br />(d) Compliance with sections 34-82 et seq. and 41-626 of the Code, <br />applying to installation of underground utility service lines, as though it were new <br />construction. <br />Sec. 41-1806. Processing special use permits. <br />An application for a special use permit pursuant to this article shall be <br />considered by the city's planning commission and city council in concurrence <br />with the applicant's tentative map application. <br />Ordinance No. NS-xxxx <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />75A-19 <br />