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-. . <br /> <br />5.2 On-Site Service Technician <br />The Vendor will provide an NEC and CENTIGRAM certified ~ Yes ~ No <br />Service Technician dedicated solely to the City of Santa <br />Ana. This dedicated technician_will: ___ ___ _______ _ ___ _ <br />• Work an-site at the City of .Santa Ana for eight (8} ho:;rs ~ Yes ~ No <br />per day and fo~~40~ hours per week. _ _ ________ __ <br />• Be on-call on atwenty-four-(24) hour, seven (7) day-a- ~ Yes ~ No NEC; y+~ill have <br />week, as-needed basis. an area on-call <br /> technician <br /> available at no <br /> additional cost. <br /> to have the on <br /> site available <br /> 24/? would be <br /> additional <br /> charge of <br />_ ~ 19,800. <br />• Perform repair services on any and all voice ~ Yes ~ No <br />communications equipment as directed by the City <br />__ Telecommunications Coordinator. _ _ <br />• Will be available, when not responding to particular ~ Yes ~ No <br />requests for repair services, to provide as-needed MAC <br />services as directed by the City Telecommunications <br />_ Coordinator. _ _ _ <br /> <br />• Repair and MAC priorities will be determined by the _ <br />~ Yes ~ No <br />__ City Telecormunications Coordinator. ______ _ <br /> <br />• Performance of MAC work during normal assigned _ _ <br />~ Yes <br />~ No <br />_ hours will not incur any additional charge to the Ci~__ ___ __ <br />• Have a working knowledge of, skills in, and experience ~ Yes ~ No <br />with Category 5 cabling and termination in accordance <br />with the Electronic Industries Association/ <br />Telecommunications Industry Association (EIA/TIA) <br />_ standard pra_c_t_ic_es.___ <br />_ _ ____ <br />_ <br />_ <br />In addition: _ _ _ <br />• Should the assigned technician be absent or unavailable, ~ Yes ~ No <br />the Vendor will provide an equally qualified and certified <br />_ replacement technician._ <br />_ <br />• The City reserves the right to review and approve the ___ <br />~ Yes ~ No <br />assignment of the dedicated technician if replacement <br />(either temporary or permanent) of the existing <br />technician is required. _______ _ ___ <br /> <br />• The assigned technician's work hours may be adjusted _ <br />~ Yes ~ No <br />by the City Telecommunications Coordinator from 8-5 on <br />an as needed basis with prior notice to the Vendor to <br />allow necessary work to be done during a period with <br />_ less impact on City's business operations. __ <br />_ <br />• If the Vendor elects at their choice to use more than one _ __ ____ <br />~ Yes ^ No <br />service technician to perform a task, there will not be <br />_any additional cost to the City. _ _ <br />_ <br />• Work. outside the scope of work of this Proposal will be _ <br />~ Yes ~ No NEC shall not <br />billed at agreed-upon service rates and only when perform work <br />authorized in adva;~ce by the City Telecommunications and/or <br />Coordinator ~r his/her designee. services that <br /> are not <br /> ordered first <br /> by a n <br />Page 35 of 43 <br />