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<br />COMMENTS <br /> <br />been an increase of scavengers who tamper with trash cans; Rick <br />Niedermeyer thanked the Council for sponsorship of fireworks stands for <br />the 4th of July. <br /> <br />90.B. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Councilmember Sarmiento <br />· Announced that the ribbon cutting for the new archway on South Main <br />Street would be held on August 2nd at 5:30 p.m. <br />· Announced that there would be a citizenship fair on July 21st <br />· Asked staff to provide a report on ICE raids and the impacts on families <br /> <br />Councilmember Martinez <br />· Invited residents to participate in an "Adopt-a-Park" event at Madison <br />Park on the July 21, 2007 <br />· Noted that the City needs to start looking at additional commercial <br />properties <br />· Urged all residents to be respectful of the rights of all individuals <br />regardless of their residency status <br /> <br />Councilmember Bustamante <br />· Noted that he would not support a motion or resolution which would <br />designate Santa Ana as a sanctuary city <br />. Wished his wife a happy 10th wedding anniversary <br /> <br />Mayor Pro Tem Alvarez <br />· Noted that there was a story in the LA Times relative to the issue of the <br />Council considering declaring the city a sanctuary at a previous council <br />meeting, however the reporter was not at the meeting and the item <br />was not on the agenda <br />· Thanked Amy Taxin of the Orange County Register for her <br />professionalism and congratulated her on the occasion of her recent <br />promotion <br />· Urged residents to contact their congressperson relative to the issue of <br />immigration <br />· Thanked Mayor Pulido, as the City's representative on the OCTA <br />board for his efforts in resolving the bus strikes <br />· Invited residents to attend the Wilshire Square Summer Concert on <br />July 28th <br />· Asked the Council to adjourn in memory of Josie Cortez, who worked <br />for the Santa Ana Police Department <br /> <br />Councilmember Tinaiero <br />· Applauded the director of Parks and Recreation and his staff for their <br />efforts in providing programs to the City's youth this summer <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />256 <br /> <br />JULY 16, 2007 <br />