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City of Santa Ana <br />Proposal for 601 North Parkcenter Drive <br />Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />The noise monitoring survey will be conducted at up to four separate locations to <br />establish baseline noise levels in the project area. Noise recording lengths are <br />anticipated to require approximately 10 minutes at each location. The noise <br />measurements will evaluate noise exposure due to traffic while accounting for local <br />topography, shielding from existing structures, and variations in travel speed. <br />Construction -related Noise. Construction would occur during implementation of the <br />proposed project. Noise impacts from construction sources will be analyzed based <br />on the equipment, length of a specific construction task, equipment power type <br />(gasoline or diesel engine), horsepower, load factor, and percentage of time in use. <br />The construction noise impacts will be evaluated in terms of maximum levels (Lmax) <br />and hourly equivalent continuous noise levels (Leq) and the frequency of occurrence <br />at adjacent sensitive locations. Analysis requirements will be based on the sensitivity <br />of the area and the Noise Ordinance specifications of the City. RBF will provide a <br />discussion of off -site truck hauling, if required, for construction -related soil import or <br />export, focusing on haul routes affecting sensitive receptors. <br />Stationary Noise Sources. Potential effects of existing off -site noise sources will be <br />evaluated based on the City's land use compatibility standards. Compliance with <br />applicable noise standards will be evaluated, with recommended mitigation <br />measures included where appropriate. <br />Traffic Noise. The proposed project is anticipated to generate new vehicular traffic <br />trips from future growth. On -site and off -site noise impacts from vehicular traffic will <br />be assessed using the U.S. Federal Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model (FHWA- <br />RD-77-108) and TNM2.5 (if necessary). The analysis will focus on noise impacts <br />associated with the development of the proposed project. Model input data will <br />include average daily traffic volumes, day/night percentages of autos, medium and <br />heavy trucks, vehicle speeds, ground attenuation factors, and roadway widths. The <br />24-hour weighted Community Noise Equivalent Levels (CNEL) will be presented in a <br />tabular format. Traffic parameters necessary for the model input will be obtained <br />from the traffic study. This scope assumes that architectural mitigation will not be <br />developed (i.e., window glazing specifications, soundwall design, etc.). <br />3.2 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY <br />RBF's Stormwater Management Division will prepare a hydrology and water quality <br />analysis to address the surface hydrology and drainage associated with the <br />development project at a level of detail to satisfy the CEQA requirements, which <br />include primarily (1) runoff water quantity, (2) drainage infrastructure requirements, <br />and (3) surface water quality, based on the following scope of work. <br />Review and Research Existing Reports. RBF will provide research and investigation <br />to compile existing literature and reports previously prepared regarding the tributary <br />watershed and drainage systems impacting the approximately 601 North Parkcenter <br />Drive Mixed Use site located in the City of Santa Ana. Research shall include review <br />of previous engineering hydrology studies and drainage master plans, which <br />specifically encompasses or address the site. This task also includes an initial <br />JN 10-105908 • 3 0 August 8, 2007 <br />