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<br />5105 <br /> <br />rajuce the budget r:I this Agreenlent C6 a whole or C6 to oosts cciegory, may limit the rae of <br />SUBRECI PI ENTs authority to c:orrrnit S1CI ~ flrds, or may restrict SUBRECI A ENTs use of <br />both its LI'XX)ITlmitta:J a1d its lflSpEI'lt funds. V\Ihere HUO hcs dirE:da:J or rEr,Juestaj CITY to <br />implement a redJctioo in fll'lding, in whole or C6 to a cat cciqxy, with respect to flJ'lding for this <br />AgrEB1'lent, CITY's Oty MalVI' a deegcte is authoriZEd to cd for CITY in irf1)lerna1ting crd <br />etfdng 9JCh a rEdJction a1d in r9lising, modifying, or cmning the Ageemert for such <br />purposes. If 9JCh a reductioo in flllding 0CClJ'S, SUBREClAENT shal be p8'TT1ittaj to de-!mpe <br />axordingly. Where CITY hcs r~e grOlJ'lds to questioo SUBRECIPlENTs fia <br />CIXXllI1taJility, fif'BlCia lD.II1dness, or oompIi~ with this Agresllent, CITY may suspend the <br />operaioo of ttis Agresllent for L4l to sixty (60) days L4lOO five (5) da,'s written notice to <br />SUBREClAENT r:I its intentioo to S) cd, pending a1 aJdit a other redutioo of such questions. <br />In no 91ent, hoN9Ier, shal CI"rf r9lisioos na:te by CITY ctfEd expencitlres crd legally binding <br />oommitma1ts maje by SUBRECIAENT before it raBved notice of 9JCh r9lisioo, j:J"ovida:t thct <br />9JCh anounts have been committed in good fath a1d Cl"e othewise alONable a1d thct 9JCh <br />commitments ae consistent with HUD cash withdraNS glide i nes. <br /> <br />XIV. EXCLUSVITY AND AM ENDM ENT OF AGREEMENT <br /> <br />This Agreelllent SJperSedesa1Y a1d al other agrElEl11ents, eiths' ora or in writing, bEtween <br />thepaties heraowith reapEd to the use of OTY'sCOBG flJ'ldsby SUBREClPlENT a1d aricins <br />al the oovEna'lts a1d i:gresllents bEtween the paties with respect to 9JCh EIll'Ioyment in any <br />mmer whaso9ler. Ea:h pa1y to this Agreenlent cD<nCMIla:Jges thct no representcmons, <br />i nduama Its, j:J"anises or cgreelllellts, aa Iy or othawi~ have been maje by stTf pa1y, or stTfone <br />cdi ng 00 behalf of CI"rf pa1y, which ae net embodied herei n, crd thct no other agrEla I lent a <br />aTlEIldment hEreto S'lal be etfdve unless exEnlted in writing crd signed by both CITY a1d <br />SUBRECI PI ENT. <br /> <br />XV. LAWSGOVERNINGTHISAGREEMENT <br /> <br />Thi s AgrEBllent S'la I be governed by S1CI constrl.Ia:J in axordcnce with the I aNS of the Stcte <br />of CSiforna, crd al ~iccDIefa:Jers laNscrd regulaions. <br /> <br />XVI. VAll 01 TY <br /> <br />Theinvaidity in whole or in pat of stTf provision of thisAgresll81t shal not void or ctfEd <br />thevaidity of CI"rf other provisioo of this AgreaI 181t. <br /> <br />XVII. M I ~ELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br /> <br />a Ecd1lJ1dersigned represents crd WCl"rcrrts thct its signcture herei n befON te the poNS', <br />arthori ty a1d right to bi nd thei r respective paties to eed1 of the terms of thi s Agreement, a1d sha I <br /> <br />14 <br /> <br />