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Place an <br />"X" next to <br />one Activity! <br />Activity Program City Outcome Tracking Goal HUD Outcome Tracking HUD Goal <br /> Senior Services 1. Track assisted senior 1.80% of assisted senior Number of persons assisted: Accessibility for the <br /> citizens that remained citizens will remain -with new access to a service purpose of creating <br /> independent for at least 1 independent for at least 1 -with improved access to a service Suitable Living <br /> year after services were year after services are -where activity was used to meet a quality Environments <br /> provided. provided. standard or measurably improved quality, <br /> report the number that no longer only <br /> have access to substandard service <br /> 2. Track seniors receiving 2. 90% of seniors Number of persons assisted: Accessibility for the <br /> referrals that were linked to receiving referrals will be -with new access to a service purpose of creating <br /> the services sought. linked to the services -with improved access to a service Suitable Living <br /> sought. -where activity was used to meet a quality Environments <br /> standard or measurably improved quality, <br /> report the number that no longer only <br /> have access to substandard service <br /> Owner- Number of owners assisted Physical safety and Total number of units: Accessibility for the <br /> Occupied to rehabilitate their primary comfort will be improved for -Number occupied by elderly purpose of providing <br /> Housing residence for the following Low and Moderate income -Number of units brought from Decent Affordable <br /> Rehabilitation income categories: households by improving substandard to standard condition (HQS Housing <br /> -Extremely Low Income homes to a level that or local code) <br /> -Very Low Income meets or exceeds HUD -Number qualified as Energy Star <br /> -Moderate Income housing quality standards. -Number of units brought into compliance <br /> Special Needs Categories with lead safe housing rule (24 CFR part <br /> -Large Families 35) <br /> -Number of units made accessible for <br /> persons with disabilities <br /> Frail Elderly Track frail elderly 90% of frail elderly Number of persons assisted: Accessibility for the <br /> Services individuals that were linked individuals will be linked to -with new access to a service purpose of creating <br /> to the services sought. the services sought. -with improved access to a service Suitable Living <br /> -where activity was used to meet a quality Environments <br /> standard or measurably improved quality, <br /> report the number that no longer only <br /> have access to substandard service <br /> Disabled Track disables persons Support independent living Number of persons assisted: Accessibility for the <br /> Services whose independent living for 90% of disabled -with new access to a service purpose of creating <br /> was supported by City persons assisted by City -with improved access to a service Suitable Living <br /> funds. funds. -where activity was used to meet a quality Environments <br /> standard or measurably improved quality, <br /> report the number that no longer only <br /> have access to substandard service <br /> Services for Track individuals assisted 100% of individuals Number of persons assisted: Accessibility for the <br /> Mentally III with City resources that assisted with City -with new access to a service purpose of creating <br /> were provided an entry resources will be provided -with improved access to a service Suitable Living <br /> point into the regional an entry point into the -where activity was used to meet a quality Environments <br /> mental health care system regional mental health care standard or measurably improved quality, <br /> and linked to at least one system and linked to at report the number that no longer only <br /> additional mental health least one additional mental have access to substandard service <br /> supportive service. health supportive service. <br /> Services for Track how many individuals Provide entry into the Number of persons assisted: Accessibility for the <br /> Substance with substance addiction in regional recovery system -with new access to a service purpose of creating <br /> Addicted were provided an entry into for 25 individuals with -with improved access to a service Suitable Living <br /> t he regional recovery substance addiction and -where activity was used to meet a quality Environments <br /> system and linked to l ink them to additional standard or measurably improved quality, <br /> additional services. services. report the number that no longer only <br /> "'S-year goal to be have access to substandard service <br /> achieved by FY 09/10 <br />Exhibit A-1 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />