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Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
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1/3/2012 4:33:04 PM
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2/27/2008 12:11:25 PM
City Clerk
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2008 Systems & Software Support Program Guidelines <br />Systems <br />& Software <br />Verbal or written requests for changes or enhancements to application software which is in production use <br />by your organization are not considered "support" items and therefore should not be requested via <br />telephone from support personnel via the Customer Support Desk. Such "need' enhancements or custom <br />requests must be in writing using the Software Request Form, which can be downloaded from our customer <br />web site, at www systemsandsoftware.neUeustomer. Please mail orfax all hand-written Software Request <br />Forms to the Customer Support Desk, or submit the request form electronically via our website. Once <br />received, they will be routed to the appropriate parties. If your organization is more than one release level <br />behind the most recent enQuestaT"'version, again note that only in the most critical of situations is S&S <br />likely to accept the custom request. Having migrated to the most recent level of the enQuestaT'" application <br />assures customers that S&S is likely to accommodate business change requests. <br />This process should be used judiciously to the extent that incoming requests should be "signed off' by the <br />appropriate parties at the customer location in order to maintain control and understanding of the <br />enhancements or custom modifications that have been requested. <br />S&S requests that in cases of specific custom requests (modification; customization; new features; new <br />interfaces; and enhancements to subcontracted solutions) from a customer, the entire written scope of <br />such request accompany the inquiry. A work order will be created such that S&S can log the request and <br />pursue the engagement on behalf of the customer. S&S shall then validate the written scope document. <br />Ascertaining and validating work scope can consume a significant percentage of the overall engagement <br />and is a critical factor in ensuring overall customer satisfaction with any such custom engagement. <br />Engagements shall in some cases be forwarded just to scope work; the actual work, if accepted, would be <br />handled under separate engagement. <br />If new functionality has been developed due to an approved contract from the customer, the customer will <br />be notified when the enhancement(s) are ready to be viewed in their Train environment. From notification, <br />customers will have 10 working days to test and approve the new functionality and respond back to S&S <br />via the Account Manager, if applicable. If S&S does not receive a response back from the customer within <br />the 10 day timeframe, additional testing and setup fees may apply to requested changes. New functionality <br />will not be deployed to the Production environment until changes are formally approved in writing by the <br />customer. <br />f. Support plans shall continue to be modified in order to support customer requests and feedback. <br />g. Customers are required to have a broadband Internet connection (cable, T1 or higher) and that S&S be <br />given inbound Internet access (from S&S to customer) via a Cisco 3002 IPSEC VPN or similar device that <br />S&S will configure, in order to access servers on the customer premises that relate to access to or support <br />of enQuestaT"". Minimal firewall entries will be needed to allow a connection to S&S's Cisco router. S&S <br />can also connect to a qualified Cisco device that is on the customer's existing IAN. Currently S&S uses and <br />supports IPSEC 3DES with 168-bit encryption with NAT supported. The ability for S&S to use this <br />technology in support of customer installations will alleviate risk associated with slow, asynchronous <br />modem access to customer's IBM pSeries or Dell PowerEdge servers. In summary, broadband access is <br />required for enQuestaT"" customers and is requested for all other customers. NOTE: Given the number and <br />diversity of customers requiring support from S&S, each with varying networking infrastructure, support of <br />software-based VPN clients is not a viable replacement for these suggested access methodologies. <br />401 Water Tower Circle <br />Colchester, VT 05446 <br />S terns ~~-r~-`a 5}~ ~rri~r~~ c ltr~arc,lc_[_ <br />& $Oftware p. 802-655-4400 <br />f: 802-655-4401 <br />CONFIDENTIAL w ~ ~g= $,~ w 2/ ] 4/2008 <br />
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