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4. LOCAL AGENCY may submit signed invoices in arrears for reimbursement of <br />allowable PROJECT costs on a monthly or quarterly progress basis once the <br />AGREEMENT has been executed by STATE. <br />5. LOCAL AGENCY agrees to submit a status report within thirty (30) days upon <br />STATE'S request for the report. The PARTIES agree that STATE may void <br />AGREEMENT if the status report is not returned within the thirty (30) day period unless <br />otherwise agreed by STATE in writing. <br />6. LOCAL AGENCY agrees to complete PROJECT and submit a final invoice by <br />April 1, 2010. STATE shall pay to LOCAL AGENCY the STATE FUNDS shaze of the <br />actual cost of the PROJECT prior to June 30, 2010, the expiration date of STATE <br />FCTNDS included in this PROJECT. <br />7. Invoices shall be submitted on LOCAL AGENCY letterhead that includes the <br />address of LOCAL AGENCY and shall be formatted in accordance with the current <br />Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) Guidelines, as adopted or amended, and in <br />accordance with Chapter 21, "Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA)" of the Local <br />Assistance Program Guidelines (LAPG) published by STATE. <br />8. Invoices must have at least one copy of supporting backup documentation for <br />allowable costs incurred and claimed for reimbursement by LOCAL AGENCY. All costs <br />chazged to this AGREEMENT by LOCAL AGENCY shall be costs allowable under the <br />California Bicycle Transportation Act. Acceptable backup documentation includes, but <br />is not limited to, agency's progress payment to the contractors, copies of canceled checks <br />showing amounts made payable to vendors and contractors, and/or a computerized <br />summazy of PROJECT costs. <br />9. Payments to LOCAL AGENCY can only be released by STATE as <br />reimbursements of actual allowable PROJECT costs akeady incurred and paid for by <br />LOCAL AGENCY. <br />10. State will withhold ten (10) percent of the total of all STATE FUNDS for each <br />progress invoice until LOCAL AGENCY submits the final invoice. <br />11. The estimated total cost of PROJECT, the amount of STATE FUNDS obligated, <br />the required matching funds, and the ratio of STATE FUNDS to LOCAL AGENCY <br />funds may not be adjusted to cover PROJECT cost increases. LOCAL AGENCY agrees <br />that any increases in PROJECT cost must be defrayed with LOCAL AGENCY'S own <br />funds. <br />12. LOCAL AGENCY shall use its own non-STATE FUNDS to finance the local <br />share of eligible costs and all PROJECT expenditures or contract items~ruled ineligible <br />for financing with STATE FUNDS. STATE shall make a final determination of LOCAL <br />AGENCY cost eligibility for STATE FUNDED financing with respect to claimed <br />PROJECT costs. <br />25G-8 <br />