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THOMSON <br />... <br />ELITE <br />notice. Upon such termination, Thomson Elite shall provide a refund <br />as provided in Section 6.3.2. <br />6.3.2 Refund Upon Termination. Upon termination by <br />Customer pursuant to this Section 6.3, Thomson Elite will refund to <br />Customer all License Fees, the Annual Subscription Fee, if any, and <br />the pro rata portion of any prepaid Annual Maintenance Charges <br />received by Thomson Elite as of the date of termination upon return <br />of the Software. IN NO EVENT SHALL CUSTOMER BE ENTITLED <br />TO A REFUND OF ANY SERVICES FEES OR EXPENSES. <br />If, as a result of such claim, Customer or Thomson Elite is <br />permanently enjoined from using the Licensed Software by a final, <br />non-appealable decree from a court of competent jurisdiction, <br />Thomson Elite will take one or both of the actions set forth in (i) and <br />(ii) above or will obtain for Customer at Thomson Elite's expense the <br />right to continue to use the Licensed Software, If none of these <br />options can be accomplished in a reasonable time or are not <br />commercially reasonable, Thomson Elite will refund to Customer the <br />License Fee paid as amortized over a 60 month period from the <br />Effective Date upon return of the Licensed Software. <br />6.4 Exclusive Remedies. The remedies in Sections 6.3 and <br />7.1 (and if attached hereto, in the Services Addendum and/or the <br />Maintenance Addendum) are Customer's exclusive remedies and are <br />in lieu of all other legal or equitable remedies and all liabilities or <br />obligations on the part of Thomson Elite for damages (except for <br />bodily injury) arising out of, relating to, or in connection with this <br />Agreement, including, but not limited to, the licensing, delivery, <br />Installation, use or performance of the Software or the integration of <br />the Software with other software or hardware. <br />6.5 Limitation of Liability. In no event shall Thomson Elite's, <br />or its officers', employees', suppliers', directors', parent's, affiliates' or <br />subsidiaries,' liability to Customer arising out of or related to this <br />Agreement, or the licensing, delivery, use or performance of the <br />Software or services provided under this Agreement or any breach of <br />this Agreement, whether based on an action or claim in contract or <br />tort, including negligence, strict liability or warranty, except liability for <br />bodily injury: (i) from the Effective Date through the end of the <br />Warranty Period, exceed the License Fees, Annual Subscription Fee, <br />if any, and the pro rata portion of any prepaid Annual Maintenance <br />Charges received by Thomson Elite hereunder; (ii) after the Warranty <br />Period, exceed the sum of the Annual Subscription Fee, if any, and <br />the Annual Maintenance Charge for the year in which the claim <br />arises; and (iii) under any amendment to this Agreement, exceed the <br />amount payable by Customer pursuant to such amendment. In no <br />event will Thomson Elite be liable for any lost profits or other <br />damages, including indirect, incidental, exemplary, special or <br />consequential damages arising out of this Agreement or the use of <br />the Software licensed hereunder, even if Thomson Elite has been <br />advised of the possibility of such damages. <br />7. Indemnification. <br />7.1 Infringement Claims. Thomson Elite represents and <br />warrants that it has sufficient right and interest to grant the rights <br />herein. At its sole expense, Thomson Elite shall defend, indemnify <br />and hold Customer harmless from copyright, trade secret and U.S. <br />patent infringement claims based upon the Licensed Software in the <br />form delivered by Thomson Elite, including paying any judgment, <br />attorney fees, costs and expenses associated with such claim. <br />7.2 Without limiting its obligations under Section 7.1, in the <br />event a claim of infringement or misappropriation is made against <br />Thomson Elite or Customer with respect to the Licensed Software, <br />Thomson Elite, for the purpose of settling such claim, may, at its <br />option, in respect of such allegedly infringing Licensed Software: <br />(i) substitute fully equivalent non-infringing software; or <br />(ii) modify the Licensed Software so that it no longer infringes <br />but remains functionally equivalent. <br />Ver. 7 Feb 2008 <br />7.3 Thomson Elite's obligation to indemnify Customer pursuant <br />to this Section 7 is contingent upon Thomson Elite being given <br />prompt notice and control of, and detailed information with regard to, <br />any such claim, suit or proceeding. Customer shall have the right to <br />participate at its own cost in the defense of any such claim or action <br />through legal counsel of its choosing. Customer shall not settle any <br />such claim or action without Thomson Elite's prior written consent. <br />7.4 This Section 7 contains the entire warranty by Thomson <br />Elite and the exclusive remedies of Customer with regard to any <br />claimed infringement arising out of or based upon the Licensed <br />Software used by Customer. <br />8. Term and Termination. This Agreement will continue in effect <br />until terminated as provided herein. Termination of Maintenance <br />Services shall not automatically terminate this Agreement. Thomson <br />Elite may terminate this Agreement upon giving thirty (30) days <br />written notice of termination to Customer if Customer commits a <br />material breach of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach <br />during the notice period. Customer may terminate this Agreement for <br />cause only as provided in Section 6 above. Upon termination of this <br />Agreement for any reason, the license granted to Customer and all <br />other rights granted to Customer under this Agreement shall <br />immediately cease and Customer shall immediately return to <br />Thomson Elite, or certify the destruction of, all copies of the Software <br />and related Software User Manuals in Customer's possession. <br />Customer may terminate the license to the Westlaw Legal <br />Calendaring Rules, if any, by giving written notice prior to the end of <br />the then current Annual Subscription term, and upon such <br />termination, Customer shall immediately return to Thomson Elite, or <br />certify the destruction of, all copies of the Westlaw Legal Calendaring <br />Rules and related manuals and documentation in Customer's <br />possession. <br />9. Limitation of Claims. Except for claims relating to the <br />Software Fees or improper use of the Software, no claim, regardless <br />of form, which in any way arises out of this Agreement, may be <br />brought more than one year after the basis for the claim becomes <br />known to the party desiring to assert it. <br />10. General Provisions. <br />10.1 Effect of Agreement. This Agreement (including the <br />exhibits hereto) embodies the entire understanding between the <br />parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and <br />supersedes any and all prior understandings and agreements, oral or <br />written, relating to the subject matter. Any amendment must be in <br />writing and signed by both parties. <br />Page3of17 <br />