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P.H. - CDBG Program FY 08-09 <br />April 7, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />services, historic preservation and community services. The City's <br />entitlement for fiscal year 2008-2009 will be $6,818,885. No more than <br />fifteen percent of this entitlement may be used for social service <br />programs. <br />The proposed CDBG program and budget for fiscal year 2008-2009 reflect <br />the culmination of a process that solicited proposals from outside <br />organizations and City agencies for the use of the annual entitlement. <br />Invitations to apply for funds were distributed to 185 organizations in <br />September 2007. Staff then met with the Human Relations Commission (HRC) <br />in its capacity as the CDBG Citizen Advisory Board to review the <br />applications and conducted three public hearings held on January 16, 29, <br />and 31, 2008, in the City Council Chambers. <br />Following the public hearings, staff met again with the HRC to draft a <br />recommended social service program and budget for City Council's <br />consideration. The proposed fiscal year 2008-2009 CDBG program and <br />budget (Exhibit 1) consists of the Commission's recommendations for <br />social service funding and staff's funding recommendations for the <br />remainder of the program, including capital projects, code enforcement <br />and program administration. The HRC ranking and funding recommendations <br />for the social service programs is also provided (Exhibit 2). The City <br />Council public hearing will provide another opportunity for public input <br />and the completion of the process necessary to submit our locally <br />approved program to HUD. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />Approval of the recommended action <br />submit• the approved program to HUD <br />which will result in the City's CDBG <br />$6,818,885. These funds will be <br />effective July 1, 2008. <br />~f~P7ll. <br />Stephen G. Ha~fding <br />Deputy City anager for <br />Development Services <br />Community Development Agency <br />SGH/NTE/mlr <br />040708 P.H. CDBGProgramFY 07-08 <br />will authorize the City Manager to <br />and to .execute a grant agreement, <br />letter of credit being augmented by <br />available for the approved program <br />APPROVED AS TO FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS: <br />~~'rancisco Gutierrez l~ <br />Executive Director <br />Finance & Management Services Agency <br />25L-2 <br />