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II. <br />CITY'S OBLIGATIONS <br />A. CITY agrees to pay to CONTRACTOR when, if and to the extent federal funds <br />are received under the provisions of the Act a sum not to exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars <br />($20,000.00) for CONTRACTOR'S performance in accordance with the payment schedule attached <br />hereto as (if applicable) during the term of this Agreement. Said sum shall be paid after <br />CITY receives invoices submitted by CONTRACTOR on a quarterly basis; as provided hereinabove. <br />B. CITY has the right to de-obligate the funds hereunder due to any of the following <br />reasons: (a) lack of performance by CONTRACTOR and (b) lack of fiscal accountability of <br />CONTRACTOR. <br />III. <br />TIME PERIOD OF AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement shall commence on January 7, 2008, and all duties arising under this <br />Agreement shall have been performed by June 30, 2009. The term of this Agreement may be extended <br />by a writing executed by the Deputy City Manager for Development Services and the City Attorney. <br />IV. <br />INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR <br />Consultant shall, during the entire term of this Agreement, be construed to be an <br />independent contractor and not an employee of the City. This Agreement is not intended nor shall it be <br />construed to create anemployer-employee relationship, a joint venture relationship, or to allow the City <br />to exercise discretion or control over the professional manner in which Consultant performs the <br />services which are the subject matter of this Agreement; however, the services to be provided by <br />Consultant shall be provided in a manner consistent with all applicable standards and regulations <br />governing such services. Consultant shall pay all salaries and wages, employer's social security taxes, <br />unemployment insurauce and similar taxes relating to employees and shall be responsible for all <br />applicable withholding taxes. <br />V. <br />WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYER'S RIGHTS <br />A. CONTRACTOR shall use appropriate funds received from CITY to provide <br />workers' compensation to all those hired by CONTRACTOR under this Agreement. <br />B. CONTRACTOR shall have the right to hire, dismiss, or promote its employees <br />or contract personnel hired under this Agreement so long as its hiring or dismissal policy or standard <br />does not violate Title YII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, or any <br />other applicable law, and CONTRACTOR maintains itself as an Equal Opportunity employer. <br />2 5 N ~7 Page 5 of 14 <br />