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XIII. <br />FRAUD <br />CONTRACTOR shall immediately report to CITY all instances and facts concerning <br />possible fraud, abuse or criminal activity relating to expenditure or receipt of funds under this <br />Agreement. <br />XIV. <br />CONTINGENCY OF FUNDS <br />CONTRACTOR acknowledges that approval of and funding for this Agreement is <br />contingent upon State approval, and funds received or obligated from the State of California to CITY. <br />If such approval of funds is not forthcoming, or is otherwise limited, CITY shall immediately notify <br />CONTRACTOR. Within twenty (20) days of receipt of such notice, CONTRACTOR shall modify or <br />cease operations as directed by CITY and negotiate necessary modification to this Agreement and/or <br />reimbursement of costs incurred hereunder. <br />XV. <br />TERMINATION <br />This Agreement may be terminated by either party at its sole discretion, upon thirty (30) <br />days written notice to the other parry. Notice shall be deemed served on the date of mailing. However, <br />CONTRACTOR may not terminate this Agreement if undue hardship will result to any participant. <br />XVI. <br />DISPUTES <br />Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any dispute concerning any question <br />arising under this Agreement shall be decided by CITY. In such a case CITY shall reduce its decision <br />to writing and mail or otherwise furiish a copy thereof to CONTRACTOR. The decision of the City <br />shall be final and conclusive unless within thirty (30) calendar days from the mailing or delivery of <br />such copy, CITY receives from CONTRACTOR written request to appeal said decision. <br />Procedures governing the appeal shall be prescribed by CITY and/or the State of <br />California in accordance with the Act and all corresponding regulations and OMB circulars. Pending <br />final disposition of the appeal, CONTRACTOR shall act in accordance with CITY's decision unless <br />the dispute involves a change order. <br />XVII. <br />BREACH -SANCTIONS <br />If, through any cause, CONTRACTOR violates any of the terms and conditions of this <br />Agreement; and,~or prior agreements whereby grant funds were received by CONTRACTOR pursuant <br />to this Agreement, or if CONTRACTOR reports inaccurately or if any Audit Report makes <br />disallowances, CONTRACTOR shall promptly remedy its acts or omissions and/or repay CITY all <br />amounts due CITY as a result of CONTRACTOR's violation. For any such failures or violations, <br />CITY shall also have the right at its sole discretion to either: (1) discontinue program support until <br />2 5 N ~ ~ ~ Page 11 of 14 <br />