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Proposal will be rated on cost effectiveness, costs which are judged reasonable, <br />necessary, allowable, acid allocable under WIA, and competitiveness of costs with <br />comparable proposals for similar services. <br />GENERAL INFORMATION <br />The WIB reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received and to cancel <br />in part or in its entirety this Request for Proposal (RFP), if it is in the best interest of the <br />WIB to do so. This RFP does not commit the WIB or the Santa Ana City Council to <br />award a contract or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal. A <br />proposer's acceptance of a copy of this RFP shall constitute knowledge and acceptance of <br />all conditions contained herein. All proposals become the property of the W1B. The <br />WIB incurs no obligation to return or duplicate copies of the proposal for the proposer. <br />Failed Competition - If, after following all the procurement procedures, only one proposal <br />is submitted -this is considered a failed competition. If two or more Request for Proposal <br />(RFP}'s were issued and only one proposal was returned and the WIB determines that the <br />proposal is acceptable for funding, this is called a noncompetitive proposal (sole source). <br />The justification for funding a proposal that resulted from a "failed competition" under the <br />aforementioned circumstances would be "after solicitation of a number of sources, <br />competition was determined inadequate." <br />Appeal Process - If a proposer believes that any decision or denial of proposal was in <br />violation of any applicable statute or regulation, the proposer may make a good faith <br />complaint by submitting a letter delineating the complaint and referencing the actual <br />violation v~~ithin 10 working days of the date of notification of the fiuiding decision. The <br />letter should be addressed to the Equal Opportunity Liaison (Lydia Morgan), Santa Ana <br />VI~ORK Center, 1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd. #200, Santa Ana, CA 92701. <br />Contract Requirements -The organization/consultant selected for funding must enter into <br />a contract with the City of Santa Ana and be willing to comply with WIA rules and <br />regulations, as applicable and sigl certifications regarding Drug-Free ~Norkplace, <br />Debarment and Lobbying, as well as provide liability insurance with the City of Santa Ana <br />named as additional insurer for $1,000,000 (may be waived by city attorney). A boilerplate <br />contact is included as part of the RFP package for your reference along with additional <br />insured endorsement. See Exhibits "A" and "B". <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />A boilerplate contract is attached for your information along with the additional insured <br />document the city requires when insurance is required of the proposer. <br />3 <br />25N-24 <br />