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The SSRC has approximately 20 years of experience designing, conducting, and <br />analyzing research data for city, county, and state sponsors as well as local non-profit <br />agencies in gild around Orange County. We are particularly adept at producing <br />comprehensive technical reports in prose easily understood by program staff, target <br />populations, elected officials, and the general public. Our in-house staff is highly <br />experienced at all aspects of survey research. Our location on the CSU Fullerton campus <br />provides us with access to experts which will assist with the ROI portion of the study. <br />Including indirect costs, calculated at 20%, the SSRC estimates Twenty Thousand <br />($20,000) dollars will be required for completion of the ROI project. It is estimated that <br />the project will take 883 hours to complete. <br />This proposal is valid for 120 days from the date first listed above. California State <br />University Fullerton has the knowledge and skills required to provide the required <br />services as outlined in the Request for Proposal. William M. Dickerson, executive <br />Director, CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation is duly authorized to sign and <br />submit this proposal on behalf of the organization and is able to enter into a contract with <br />the Santa Ana WIB and to meet additional contract requirements with regard to <br />compliance with WIA regulations, as applicable, including patent rights, copyrights and <br />rights to data, access to records and audit requirements, certifications of a drug free work <br />place; debarment, lobbying, and liability insurance coverage. <br />If an award is made for this proposed project, we would appreciate your sending a <br />notification to this office with the grant awarded through our non-profit, tax exempt CSU, <br />Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation. The Auxiliary Services Corporation has been <br />established and incorporated to assist the University in administering the various research <br />grants, contracts and awards funded to this iristitution. We would be pleased to forward <br />the Foundation's articles of incorporation and bylaws should you desire further <br />information. <br />Please notify this office of any action taken on this proposal. Your thoughtful <br />consideration of this application is appreciated. <br />Sincerely, <br />William M. Dickerson <br />Executive Director <br />CSU Fullerton Auxiliary Services Corporation <br />KT:ndr <br />Enclosures <br />cc: Dr. Gregory Robinson, Principal 117vestigator <br />Dr. Thomas Klaznmer, College of Humanities Social Science <br />2 <br />25N-26 <br />