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The undersigned is dul~~ authorized to sign and submit this proposal on behalf of the <br />CSUF. if an award is made for this proposed project, please send a notification to the <br />CSUF Office of Grants and Contracts at the address provided below. In addition, and in <br />accordance with University polic}~, the awardee should be named as CSU Fullerton <br />Auxiliarti~ Services Corporation (ASC). The ASC is a SUI (c) ~ auxiliary organization <br />which has been established and incorporated to assist the University in administering the <br />various research grants, contracts and cooperative agreements awarded to the CSUF. <br />Upon request, we will pro~~ide you with the Articles of Incorporation for the ASC. <br />The Federal Tax Identification Number for the ASC is 95-2081258 and is incorporated in <br />California. with address at: <br />2600 East Nutwood Ave., Ste 275 <br />Ful}erton, CA 92831 <br />Tel. 714-278-341 ~ <br />Fax:714-278-41>> <br />The ASC will be able to enter into a contract with the Santa Ana VJIB and to meet <br />additional contract requirements with regard to compliance with V~TIB regulations, as <br />applicable, including patent rights, copyrights and rights to data, access to records and <br />audit requirements. certifications of a drug free work place, debarment, lobbying, and <br />liabilitti~ insurance coverage. <br />Please notifi' this office of an~~ action taken on this proposal. Your thoughtful <br />consideration of this application is appreciated. <br />1 <br />Sincerel}~; ~- '~ 1 <br />r. ~ ~ ; ~ ~ _ --r <br />~~ ~' ~ '~ <br />v. _ M <br />/' . <br />/, .. <br />Linda V.'. Patton <br />Director. Office of Grants and Con*~acts <br />Enclosures <br />cc: Dr. Gregory Robinson, Principal Investigator <br />Dr. Thomas Itilammer;. College of Humanities Social Science <br />2 <br />25N-28 <br />