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Dr. Robinson participated on the multi:campus CSU team that conducted a feasibility <br />study and reconunended a roll-out plan for an information infrastructure to support the <br />One-Stop System. CSU researched both available and emerging technologies and <br />compiled first hand inforniation from persons who were using those technologies. The <br />results of this study were used by the Electronic Infrastructure Work Team to develop its <br />final recommendations. As part of this effort, the CSU team conducted focus groups with <br />prospective One-Stop customers, and synthesized information on their existing systems' <br />capabilities, to help guide decision-making on the design of the infornlation <br />infrastructure. <br />EXPERIENCE <br />Gregor-} Robinson, Ph.D. <br />Dr. Robinson is the Director of the SSRC. Dr. Robinson's expertise includes applied <br />research and evaluation design, survey research methods, and qualitative approaches to <br />data collection and analysis. He has~successfully conducted over one hundred applied <br />research and evaluation projects for county and state entities with foci in community <br />issues, employment, education, health care, and criminal justice. He has provided <br />extensive consultation to the Latino and Vietnamese communities of Southem California. <br />Prior to joining the SSRC, Dr. Robinson was a Research Associate at the Public Policy <br />Research Institute at UC Irvine. Greg holds a Ph.D. in social ecology from the University <br />of California at Irvine and an undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of <br />California at Berkeley. <br />Rajeev C. Sane, Ph.D., MBA <br />Dr. Sane worked for seven years in the Strategy and Corporate Planning Group at Unocal <br />Corporation. In that capacity, he conducted several ROI analyses for a variety of large <br />and small capital investment projects. For the past four years, he has been an <br />independent management consultant. His clients have included ChevronTexaco, Conoco <br />Phillips, House of Blues, and Northern Trust. Rajeev obtained lus undergraduate degree <br />from the Indian liistitute of Tecluiology, Delhi; a Ph.D. from the University of Southern <br />Califomia; and an MBA from the University of Califomia, Los Angeles. <br />STUDY DESIGN -UNIVERSAL ACCESS CUSTOMER SURVEY <br />The special strengths of the SSRC are our methodological approaches to <br />questiozniaire construction, pre-testing the survey instrument (pilot testing), language <br />capabilities, sample design, data collection, data analysis, and tecluucal report <br />preparation. Questiomlaire construction, pilot testing, language capabilities, sampling, <br />and data analysis and report preparation, are discussed below. Our scientific approach to <br />data collection is detailed in Appendix B. <br />4 <br />25N-30 <br />