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COST ESTIMATE <br />The fixed price quoted below inchldes all expenses related to the performance of work <br />and services required to provide the Santa Ana WIB with a final ROI report. Pricing is <br />based upon cost per interview and the associated costs for materials and support for <br />project persoruZel as detailed below. Costs have been calculated based on an average <br />English-language interview length often minutes. <br />Descri tion Hours Cost <br /> <br />Ph.D. Level Oversight and Report Preparation 13.0 $975.00 <br />Ph.D. Level Consultation and Re ort Pre aration 40.0 - • $4,00.00 <br />Telephone Interviewing Costs (Includes training, <br />interviewing, and tele hone costs) 800.0 $10,080:00 <br />Administrative Assistant 30.0 $624 <br />Telephone, Supplies, Other Direct Costs $988.00 <br />Total Direct Costs $16,667.00 <br />University Indirect Costs 20% $3,333.00 <br />Total Bud et $20,000.00 <br />9 <br />25N-35 <br />