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LAND USE ELEMENT <br />home parks, a mixture of duplexes and single family residences, or <br />small lot subdivisions. <br />• The Medium Density Residential (MR-15) designation applies to <br />those sections of the City which are developed with residential <br />uses at densities of up to 15 units per acre. Development in this <br />designation is characterized by duplexes, apartments, or a <br />combination of both. A total of 413.2 acres is designated as Medium <br />Density Residential. The designation applies to areas located in the <br />vicinity of downtown, areas north and south of MacArthur <br />Boulevard, and in other areas where there are established multiple- <br />family development projects. <br />• The Residential /Industrial designation permits either residential <br />development up to 15 units per acre or industrial uses. The <br />designation applies to the Logan neighborhood, which was <br />established near the turn of the century. Since the 1930s, this <br />18.5-acre area has developed with a mixture of residential and <br />industrial uses. <br />• The District Center designation permits residential development up <br />to 90 units per acre when it is a component of a mixed-use, <br />master planned project. In the Metro East District Center <br />residential density is based on a maximum 3.0 floor area ratio and <br />the overlay development standards. This category includes <br />approximately 427 acres and is described in greater detail later in <br />this section. <br />Professional and Administrative Office <br />The Professional/Administrative office (PAO) designation applies to those <br />areas where professional and/or administrative offices are predominant, or <br />where such development is being encouraged. Land included in this <br />designation is found primarily near the Civic Center, and along the First <br />Street and Tustin Avenue Corridors in close proximity to freeways. There <br />are other smaller PAO areas in the City such as along North Broadway and <br />along portions of east and west Seventeenth Street. A total of 621.5 <br />acres is included in this land use designation. The floor area ratio intensity <br />standard applicable to this land use designation ranges from 0.5 to 1.0. <br />The Professional and Administrative Office areas are intended to provide a <br />unique environment for office development in those areas of the City where <br />office uses are the predominant land use. The purpose for maintaining and <br />supporting these areas exclusively for office and office-related uses is to <br />encourage major employment centers at locations which significantly lessen <br />the impact to the City's local street system. The First Street/Tustin Avenue <br />Revised (May 5, 2008) <br />A-18 <br />75B-69 <br />