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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />2008-2009 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />Specific CDBG Certifications <br />The Entitlement Community certifies that: <br />Citizen Participation -- It is in full compliance and following a detailed citizen participation plan that <br />satisfies the requirements of 24 CFR 91.105. <br />Community Development Plan -- Its consolidated housing and community development plan identifies <br />community development and housing needs and specifies both short-term and long-term community <br />development objectives that provide decent housing, expand economic opportunities primarily for persons <br />of low and moderate income. (See CFR 24 570.2 and CFR 24 part 570) <br />Following aPlan -- It is following a current consolidated plan (or Comprehensive Housing Affordability <br />Strategy) that has been approved by HUD. <br />Use of Funds -- It has complied with the following criteria: <br />Maximum Feasible Priority. With respect to activities expected to be assisted with CDBG <br />funds, it certifies that it has developed its Action Plan so as to give maximum feasible priority to <br />activities which benefit low and moderate income families or aid in the prevention or elimination <br />of slums or blight. The Action Plan may also include activities which the grantee certifies are <br />designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because <br />existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, <br />and other financial resources are not available); <br />Overall Benefit. The aggregate use of CDBG funds including section 108 guaranteed loans <br />during program year(s) 2008, (a period specified by the grantee consisting of one, two, or three <br />specific consecutive program years), shall principally benefit persons of low and moderate income <br />in a manner that ensures that at least 70 percent of the amount is expended for activities that <br />benefit such persons during the designated period; <br />Special Assessments. It will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements <br />assisted with CDBG funds including Section 108 loan guaranteed funds by assessing any amount <br />against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income, including any fee <br />charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements. <br />However, if CDBG funds are used to pay the proportion of a fee or assessment that relates to the <br />capital costs of public improvements (assisted in part with CDBG funds) financed from other <br />revenue sources, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the <br />public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. <br />The jurisdiction will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with <br />CDBG funds, including Section 108, unless CDBG funds are used to pay the proportion of fee or <br />assessment attributable to the capital costs of public improvements financed from other revenue <br />sources. In this case, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to <br />the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. Also, in the case of <br />properties owned and occupied by moderate-income (not low-income) families, an assessment or <br />charge may be made against the property for public improvements financed by a source other than <br />CDBG funds if the jurisdiction certifies that it lacks CDBG funds to cover the assessment. <br />43 4/16/08 <br />19E-55 <br />