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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />2008-2009 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN <br />EMERGENCY SHELTERS <br />The City will provide funds to shelter providers via the CDBG, ESG and HOPWA <br />programs. These funds will help offset the costs of providing emergency shelter and <br />essential support services for Santa Ana's homeless (and the region's homeless <br />with HIV/AIDS with HOPWA funding). An estimated 950 individuals will be assisted <br />with emergency shelter services during FY 2008-2009. Additionally, 84 County <br />residents will be assisted with emergency shelter services with HOPWA funds.3 <br />Specific activities to be carried out during the 2008-2009 Program Year are <br />delineated in the Listing of Proposed Projects -Attachment 3. <br />TRANSITIONAL HOUSING <br />The critical link between homelessness and self-sufficiency is often provided by <br />transitional housing programs. In this setting, homeless individuals and families are <br />provided free or very low cost housing, enriched with support services aimed at <br />building self-reliance skills. Quite often transitional housing programs will require <br />participants to save a portion of their income earned while participating in the <br />program so they will have resources to move into permanent housing upon their <br />graduation from the transitional program. Santa Ana will continue to support the <br />transitional housing/support service programs of the community's nonprofits with <br />CDBG and ESG funds during the 2008-2009 Program Year, serving an estimated 94 <br />individuals. Additionally, a portion of HOPWA funds allocated for supportive <br />services will be used to provide transitional housing for persons with HIV and/or <br />AIDS on a countywide basis. An estimated 106 individuals will be assisted with <br />transitional housing services during FY 2008-2009.a Specific activities to be carried <br />out are delineated in the Listing of Proposed Projecfs -Attachment 3. <br />s Housing services funded with HOPWA will be available on a countywide basis. <br />a Housing services funded with HOPWA will be available on a countywide basis. <br />air sroa 24 <br />19E-36 <br />