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<br /> Amended Table A-4 <br /> Land Use Plan Build-out CapacIties <br /> IntenallylDenalty Effective Theoretical <br /> Land Use Acrea Standarda Bulld-out, Bulld-out <br />Mixed Use, 1035 ae FAR 3.0 <br />Metro East Residential DC 5,551 d.u, <br /> SubTotal 5,551 d.u. <br />Metro East Commercial DC 3,245 185 s,f. 3.245 185 s. f. <br /> SubTotal 3,245,185 a.l. 3,245,185 d. <br />R..ldentlal <br />Low Density Residential LR-7 6,474.4 ae, 7 d,u.!ae 45.321 d.u. <br />Low Medium Density Residential LMR-11 433.8 ae. 11 d,u.!ac 4,772 d.u. <br />Medium Density Residential MR-15 413.2 ae, 15 d.u.!ac 6.198 d.u. <br />ResidentiaVlndustrial, R/1-15 9.2 ae. 15 d.u.!ae 138 d.u. <br />District Center, DC 35.9 ae. 90 d.u.!ac 3 232 d.u. <br /> SubTotal 7,368.5 ae. 77,820 d.u., 59,881 d.u. <br />Commercial <br />Professional & Admin. OffICe PAO 621,5 ae. FAR 0.5-1.0 13,536.270 s,f. 27,072.540 s.f <br />General Commercial GC 1,113,6 a.e, FAR 24,254,426 sJ. 48,508,852 s. f, <br />District Center.. DC 323,2 ae, FAR 1,0-2.0 14.079.332 s.f. 28,158,665 s.f. <br />One Broadway Plaza District Ctr, OBPDC 4,3 ae. FAR 29 543 193 s.f. 543.193 s,f <br /> SubTotal 2,082.6 ae. 52,413,221 s.l. 104,283.249 d. <br />Industrial <br />Industriel IND 2,280,9 ae, FAR 0.45 44,710,202 sJ, 44.710,202 s.f, <br />Residenlia",ndustriai, RII-15 18,5ae. FAR 0.45 180926s,f. 160926 s.f. <br /> SubTotal 2,290.1 ae. 44,891,128 a.f. 44,891.128 s.l. <br />Otha, <br />Institutional, INS 812.6 ae. FAR 7.079,023 s.f 17.697,557 s.f. <br />Opan Space OS 1 ,019.0 ae. FAR 0,2 8 877 876 s.f, 8.877 876 s.f. <br /> SubTotal 1,831.6 ae. 15,958,899 a.f. 26,575,433 a.l. <br /> <br />Notes: <br />,Effectjve capaCity for non.resldential devetopment assumes development possible under the lower range of FAR intensity slandardlJ <br />with the exception of the Metro East District Center. Reaidential effective capaCity was calculated by adding the 8,783 units possible in <br />the Olstrid Center with the existing 74,588 (Census. 2000} hoUSing units. <br />2 The Metro East District Center allows a range of intensity for mixture of reSidential and' commercial de'JeJopment based on the Metro <br />East Mixed Use Overlay Zone development standards. <br />3Land use deSignation permits both residential and industrial development BuiJd.out assumed 50% of the land area will be developed <br />aa residential and 50% as industrial development <br />.Land use deSignation permits balM residential and commercial develapmenl. Build-out assumes 90% of land area will be developed <br />as commercial and 10% will be developed as residential. <br />FAR - ftoor area ratio, d.u. - dwelling unite, 8.1. - square feet (of floor area), Acreage shown in table does nOI include roads in <br />right-of-way <br />~Effeetive capacity aS8umes FAR of 0.2 <br />IlLand' use designation permits high intensity office development with ancillary retail use. <br />ThIS table has been re..ised to CO/TfJSpond with the GIS Land US6 Mep illustrated in Exhibit 2. <br /> <br />Rovl_ (May 5. 2008) <br /> <br />A-31 <br /> <br />Resolution No. 2008-032 <br />Page 12 of 12 <br />