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PASSIVE INSPECTION AND FOLLOW -UP <br />Our on -site supervisors are specifically instructed to maintain a direct communication with our <br />customers. BBM supervisors and the crews maintain a communication log with each customer and <br />are required to check the log at the start of every assignment. Each assignment starts with a check <br />nndocumentnand in lactione o be any complaint or that the customers knowtthawritten, he request hasu'been� ad and was <br />addressed accordingly. <br />For all other emergency situations and requests, there is a 24 -hour customer service hotline at BBMC <br />that provides access to supervisors and managers and immediate responses. <br />QUALITY CONTROL ENFORCEMENT <br />In addition to discussing quality control, we will also explain how we intend to control the quality in <br />your facilities. At BBMC, Quality control is the cornerstone of our cleaning program. <br />The reducing of cleaning concern allows management personnel to effectively and efficiently <br />addresses the issues. Controlling quality is a combined effort by our entire management's staff. It <br />consist of facility inspections, corrective action reports, facility rating reports, client logbook, client <br />liaison meetings, and above all, our ability to communicate with your representative. <br />GENERAL INSPECTION INFORMATION: <br />The inspection of an area is performed at three different time periods, for two different reasons. The <br />results of each of these inspections will provide us with information that we can use to strengthen the <br />service we provide for your facility. <br />1. INSEPCTION DURING NORMAL BUSINESS DAY <br />Inspecting during the daylight hours allows us to see the cleaning through your eyes. <br />We are able to note stains and spots that are not always noticeable under artificial light. <br />2. INSPCTION DURING CLEANING HOURS <br />Our Managers inspect the work while it is being performed. Observation of our cleaners and <br />service workers insures the most efficient technique is constantly being utilized and that all schedule <br />tasks are being addressed. Oversights and mistakes are much easier to correct when the cleaners <br />can be observed actually performing their duties, and we find this an excellent time to correct <br />cleaning technique. <br />3. INSPECTION AFTER CLEANING HOURS <br />We find that randomly inspecting after completion of the work provides us with an excellent <br />overview of the cleaning and enables us to have a valuable perspective of how the building will look <br />when your employees and /or tenants arrive. <br />