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Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />XVII. Mandatory Findings of Significance <br />A. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The proposed SEZ is a financial incentives program <br />intended to encourage businesses to locate in Santa Ana. The proposed SEZ would not <br />result in any specific demolition project, construction project, land acquisition project, or other <br />development project. Therefore, the proposed project would not affect biological resources <br />or cultural resources. However, the CEQA evaluation and development and review process <br />of any individual projects that may indirectly result from the proposed SEZ financial incentives <br />would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, the proposed SEZ would have less- <br />than-significant impacts on the resources identified above. <br />8. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The proposed SEZ is a financial incentives program <br />intended to encourage businesses to locate in Santa Ana. The proposed SEZ would not <br />result in any specific demolition project, construction project, land acquisition project, or other <br />development project. Though ftature individual projects could potentially result in cumulative <br />impacts, future projects within the proposed SEZ area would be evaluated to determine their <br />cumulative impacts on a case-by-case basis during the CEQA evaluation and under the <br />City's development and review process. If needed, mitigation measures to avoid or reduce <br />potentially significant cumulative impacts would be proposed at that time. Therefore, the <br />cumulative impacts of the proposed SEZ are less than significant. <br />C. Less-Than-Significant Impact. The proposed SEZ is a financial incentives program <br />intended to encourage businesses to locate in Santa Ana. It would not result in any specific <br />demolition project, construction project, land acquisition project, or other development <br />project. Therefore, direct implementation of the proposed SEZ would not cause any <br />substantial adverse effects on human beings or the environment. Future, individual projects <br />that indirectly result from the financial incentives of the proposed SEZ could indirectly or <br />directly cause substantial adverse effects to human beings or the environment. However, <br />any future individual project would be evaluated under CEQA and the City's development and <br />review process. Potentially significant impacts to human beings and the environment would <br />be identified and evaluated, and mitigation measures, if necessary to reduce or avoid <br />identified impacts, would be proposed and implemented. Therefore, the proposed SEZ <br />would have less-than-significant impacts regarding substantial adverse effects on humans <br />and the environment. <br />Santa Ana State Enterprise Zone <br />Initial Study November 2007 <br />3-32 <br />J8S 00814.07 <br />19E-46 <br />