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Certi fi cati on Regardi ng L obbyi ng <br />Certi fi calci on for Contracts. Grants. Loans, and Cooperati ve Agreements <br />The undersi gned cerci fi es, to the best of hi s or her knowl edge and bel i ef, that - <br />(1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or wi I I be paid, by or on behalf of the <br />undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or <br />empl oyee of any agency, a M ember of Congress, an off cer or empl oyee of Congress, or <br />an empl oyee of a M ember of Congress i n connecti on wi th the awardi ng of any Federal <br />contract, the maki ng of any cooperati ve agreement, and the extensi on, conti nuati on, <br />renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contact, grant, loan or cooperative <br />agreement. <br />(2) 1 f any funds other than Federal appropri ated funds have been pai d or wi I I be pai d to <br />any person for i nfl uenci ng or attempti ng to i of I uence an offi cer or empl oyee of any <br />agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an empl oyee of a <br />Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative <br />agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form -LLL, "Disclosure <br />Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance wi th its i nstructi ons. <br />(3) The undersi gned shat I requi re that the I anguage of thi s certi fi cati on be i ncl uded i n the <br />award documents for al I subawards at al I ti ers (i ncl udi ng subcontract, subgran% and <br />contracts under grants, I oanss and cooperati ve agreements) and that al I subreci pi ents shat I <br />certi fy and di sd ose accordi ngl y. <br />Thi s certi fi cati on is a mated al representation of fact upon whi ch rel i ance was pl aced <br />when thi s transacti on was made or entered i nto. Subrri ssi on of thi s certi fi cati on is a <br />prerequi si to for maki ng or enteri ng i nto thi s transacti on i mposed by Secti on 1352, Ti tI e <br />31, U. S. Code Any person who fai I s to file the required certification shall be subject to <br />a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure <br />Title <br />EXHIBIT C <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />5; <br />