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RESOLUTION NO. 2008-051 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA OVERRULING OBJECTIONS TO AND <br />CONFIRMING THE COSTS OF SECURING AND <br />DEMOLITION OF VARIOUS STRUCTURES DECLARED TO <br />BE PUBLIC NUISANCES; MAKING, CONFIRMING AND <br />LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR SUCH COSTS; AND <br />ORDERING SUCH COSTS TO BE RECORDED WITH THE <br />ORANGE COUNTY RECORDER <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AS <br />FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana hereby, finds, determines <br />and declares as follows: <br />A. Pursuant to Section 17-40 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code, the Executive <br />Director of the Planning and Building Agency has submitted an itemized <br />report, a copy of which is on file with the Clerk of the Council, showing the <br />costs of securing and demolition of various structures carried out by the City <br />of Santa Ana upon each individual lot or parcel of land where such work was <br />done. <br />B. The Executive Director of the Planning and Building Agency has given <br />notice as required by law, in which the 7th day of July, 2008, at the hour of <br />6:00 p.m. was fixed as the time, and 22 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana as <br />the place, where any and all persons interested in said report might be <br />heard. <br />C. The City Council of the City of Santa Ana, at said time and place has <br />received, heard, and considered said report and all objections by property <br />owners liable to be assessed for the abatement, and directed such <br />modification of said report as it has deemed necessary. <br />Section 2. Each and every objection to said work and the costs thereof is <br />hereby overruled; said report, a copy of which is on file with the Clerk of the Council, is <br />hereby confirmed; the cost of abatement work done in front of or upon each lot or parcel of <br />real property, as shown on Exhibits 1 and 2, which are incorporated by this reference as <br />though fully set forth herein, and the amounts therein on such assessments shall become <br />due thirty (30) days after the adoption of this Resolution. <br />Section 3. The Executive Director of Planning and Building Agency is hereby <br />directed to file a certified copy of said report and this Resolution with the County <br />Recorder's Office, the County Auditor, County Assessor, and County Tax Collector on or <br />before August 10, 2008. <br />Resolution No. 2008-051 <br />Page 1 of 4 <br />